I need to connect 2 USB 2.0 cameras and one USB 3.0 SSD to a single USB 3.0 hub. I would like both of the cameras to run at 480 Mbps and the SSD to use the rest of the bandwidth. Is this possible?
I intend to use following setup::
- USB 3.0 hub
- USB 3.0 SSD client
- USB 2.0 camera client
- USB 2.0 camera client
Will the cameras run at 2 x 480 Mbps like this? If no, is three a setup (maybe with additional USB hub) with which they will? Can I influence how much of the bandwidth each of the clients (2.0 or 3.0) uses other than by trying to control the transfers on my SW side? (so that the SSD wont use more than about 4 Gbits - not really sure how this could be done in SW now)