My computer got encrypted by the Petya ransomware. After a long search I could not find a solution other than using file recovery software.
This helps a bit, but I am wondering if there is a way to completely restore my disk. I am not going to pay.
43To improve this question you might want to add some telltale signs that a ransomware infection is from this particular malware. Most users have no way to tell the name of the particular malware which hit them which means they won't find this question. – Philipp – 2016-04-10T16:32:50.230
3I don't think there is a real infection, they are just collecting reps, which is ok here on SU if it is a good question that has not been asked before. – Moab – 2016-04-10T18:20:12.890
30Looks like it's not a rep grab but publicity for the exploit, which is by the OP himself. I wouldn't begrudge it, it looks non-trivial and potentially useful :-) – alexis – 2016-04-10T20:25:38.517
It looks like this is a way to Remove the Decrypt the disk. Check it out Petya Ransomeware Defeated Looks Promising.
– NetworkKingPin – 2016-04-11T05:09:48.69714I know it's not terribly relevant, but would you mind sharing how it happened? Perhaps it might help other users avoid this problem. – Nobilis – 2016-04-11T07:21:25.370
4Can I have a picture of the message – Suici Doga – 2016-04-11T13:38:02.687
@SuiciDoga http://nabzsoftware.com/types-of-threats/petya-ransomware
– MCMastery – 2016-04-12T01:14:24.0002
This is yet another reason why you should be backing up your data often. If you had a reliable backup, you could simply wipe the computer and restore. If you don't care about your data enough to back it up, then why worry about recovering it from ransomware?
– BryanH – 2016-04-14T21:14:49.6001@BryanH You can care about your data (and even back it up) and still also care about recovering a system from ransomware. – TylerH – 2016-04-15T13:25:32.080
@TylerH true, if we were perfect we wouldn't be vulnerable to malware in the first place. If you can't be perfect it's nice to have options. – candied_orange – 2016-04-16T19:02:53.063
So is this thread still of use considering the new Petya wave that has hit as of July 27, 2017?
– JakeGould – 2017-06-27T17:29:07.447