Scott Foulk


IT for the Yurok Tribe of northern California.

Author of The AngelFall Series, Books I to V, available on

PHP/MySQL/JavaScript/HTML (currently)

Wrote a game in Java (see website link), do web database development, have done teacher evaluation system, jewelry ecommerce website, meme website front and backend development.

BSCS from University of Hawaii PBCSE - Teaching Certificate in Science Education - Certified Science Teacher, State of Hawaii

Spirent Communications

Large scale networking test equipment, wrote PPPoEthernet protocol, packet analyzers.

Embedded Systems programming experience. Programmed in 8080A/8085, 8086/88,i186,i960 Assembly languages, C/C++, Forth (PolyForth, ChipForth), QuickBASIC, BASIC.

Late 80's

Wrote BBS software (a game, CryptoMurphy, and Mortgage Loan Qualifier (MLQ) ) using QuickBASIC Compiler.