Fred Wuerges


First and foremost, I'm passionate about solving real problems using software that impact people.

My career has started like a lot of other developers, working in a small company without any structure, and creating software in a very rudimentary way. After a while working as a developer, my career moved from a full-time employee writing code 8 hours per day, to be an entrepreneur in a small business. However, I was still writing code and delivering software to customers. This transition provided me a big opportunity to understand other perspectives, the knowledge that most engineers don't have the opportunity to understand when you are exclusively coding, like: The impact that the software has directly on people To understand people frustration and their needs for support To create empathy for other people, not only customers but also stakeholders The importance of having a minimal process established to result in more productive work

Later, after a lot of learning and financial problems, I realized my passion was working as a software engineer, despite the fact that I learned a lot during my experience with my own business, this was not what I wanted for my life. Thus, I decided to start working as a backend engineer to build a project that would change people's lives: the Serasa eCred (now one of the largest credit marketplaces in Brazil). There I've got the opportunity to support the team to create the product from scratch, working with microservices, PHP, Python, Go, and also being one of the engineers responsible for the third parties integrations. I had a dream that had not yet been fulfilled, to move abroad. And here I am, living in Berlin and working as a Software Engineer since 2018, working in a squad at Hellofresh that is focused to improve the customer experience in payments, using technologies like Go, Python, Kubernetes, etc.

My background as an entrepreneur has been helping to be successful as a software engineer, because it helps me to understand the background behind the technical decisions and also the impact I might cause to customers, or in other words, to people.