Questions tagged [zimbra]

Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) is a groupware product created by Zimbra, Inc., located in Palo Alto, California, USA.

The company was purchased by Yahoo! in September 2007, and subsequently purchased by VMware on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. The software consists of both client and server components. Two versions of Zimbra are available: an open-source version, and a commercially supported version ("Zimbra Network") with closed-source components such as a proprietary MAPI connector to Outlook for calendar synchronization.

221 questions
1 answer

Zimbra 8.0: Warning create file maildrop/XXXXX.XXXXX permissions denied

I have Zimbra 8.0 running over Ubuntu work fine but I have a warning: postfix/postdrop[XXXX]: warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/XXXXX.XXXXX permissions denied The problem is that 800MB were generated for this warning in only 4…
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Zimbra server status showing red in control panel

I have been having a weird problem with Zimbra(7.1.4_GA_2555.DEBIAN5) lately: On the (web)control panel the status keep changing to red every few days. When this is happens the output of zmcontrol status still shows running: antispam …
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Use spam assasin to block message with From and To address the same

I am using zimbra server as our email server. Today I saw some weird emails in my inbox. The From and To address both belongs to my email address. The header of the email. To: From: " But Received address is the…
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Zimbra 7.2 OSE Mail Queue Disappeared

System Info: Description: Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS Linux mail 2.6.32-42-server #95-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 25 16:10:49 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux H/W path Device Class Description ==================================================== …
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zimbra server server not sync with ldap server

Please help me out I am intermediate on linux, 1) I do have zimbra mail server on ubuntu with ladap server and external openldap server in internal location 2) last weak we got renewed the SSL certificate on Zimbra server 3) after renewed the SSL…
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2 answers

Active Directory integration with linux users and zimbra

I have the following questions about setting an active directory, that already has users and a domain, (i.e. and real domain (i.e, and I have seeing many examples of the integration of AD with linux and usually…
Juan Diego
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2 answers

Zimbra installation not working

Symptoms : our mail server, a dedicated Fedora server with zimbra, stopped working, in such a way we couldn't even log in with SSH. Soft reboots, through our web admin console, did make it work again, for 6-8 hours, and came crashing down. Putting…
Johan Buret
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4 answers

qmail to zimbra migration

I am not a mail server admin, however I've been given the task to migrate our company's current qmail server (running on Ubuntu 8.0) to a new Redhat Enterprise Linux server (RHEL 6.2). After doing some research it seems that qmail is no longer…
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2 answers

run zimbra on low spec virtual machine

I am trying to install zimbra server on a low spec virtual machine running ubuntu 10.04. I do meet the requirements as documented here (1 GB RAM/5 GB free disk space). I got the virtual machine specifically for this purpose, so can install anything…
Billy Moon
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2 answers

Is it ok to install Zimbra on LAMP dedibox?

Is it ok to install zimbra on LAMP dedicated server which is running only our websites (no client sites) and also mails are only ours ? Do you see any disadvantage to install it on the same box where PHP/Apache/Mysql is running ?
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2 answers

How can I make the most effective use of limited static IP addresses for a mail server?

I am running a Zimbra ZCS 7.1.2 server. The server is setup to host multiple domains, 3 at the moment. But I have a problem and I think I am over thinking the solution. The problem is I want every domain to have its own SSL cert. As per Zimbra…
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1 answer

HTTP proxy with zimbra zcs

Does anyone know how I can enable HTTP / HTTPS proxy for domain in Zimbra. When I login to a secondary Zimbra domain it load the SSL cert for the primary domain. Is there a way to set the zimbra proxy to also do HTTP / HTTPS ?
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1 answer

postconf setting isn't "sticking"

I need to set the Postfix lmtp_host_lookup setting to native instead of dns, which is the default. This is an artifact of the way I have Zimbra 7 installed on my Ubuntu 11.04 system, and local mail delivery works when I use /etc/hosts, thus the…
Mark Thomas
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1 answer

Multi-IP address zimbra server DNS PTR records and spam

We have a mail server running Zimbra (ZCS 6.0.8). The server has 5 active public IP addresses in the same subnet. (.226-.230). I currently have A records for each of these (, with the main of the…
David Fraser
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How do you recover from a zimbra crash?

My server running zimbra crashed hard and now the zimbra server won't start. Here is what I get in the logs: Nov 24 21:04:14 zimbra1 slapd[21258]: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.21 (Mar 24 2010 18:25:37) $ …
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