Questions tagged [xinetd]

63 questions
3 answers

What is a ToD server, "Time of Day" (Not NTP)

I got a simple task: Setup a ToD server... It is not NTP. It runs on port 37. It seems to be bundled with inetd or xinetd. Shall be installed on Debian or CentOS. Alternatively FreeBSD (pfsense router). Any hint on how to proceed? Two starter links…
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How to add custom xinetd Service in pfSense

On a pfSense 2.4, I installed a custom xinetd service. I appended the necessary line to the list in /etc/services and wrote a stanza in /var/etc/xinetd.conf. After reloading xinetd, the service runs successfully. However, the file…
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systemd: get core dumps for service started by xinetd

I recently upgraded a system to openSUSE 13.1. We're running a custom-built service on the system through xinetd, and in the old xinetd init script had the line ulimit -c unlimited before starting xinetd to enable core dumps. Since openSUSE 13.1…
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Linux: tftp not working, transfer timed out, what could be the reason?

I have a server which runs cobbler and tftp server. My task is to configure a read-write tftp server. tftp is configured through xinetd and the configuration file looks like so: service tftp { disable = no socket_type…
Itai Ganot
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Inetd / xinetd isn't working under cygwin, why?

I am trying to use xinetd (or inetd) with netcat to act as a TCP proxy. This setup works on Linux without issue. Under Cygwin, either as a service or from the a Cygwin command line, the (x)inetd fails to open netcat, with the error "no such file or…
1 answer

Bypass /etc/services lookup for xinetd

I'm looking to execute a script launched by xinetd over an arbitrary port. However after some testing it appears that I will need to explicitly define the service and port on /etc/services for xinetd to enable the service. Is there an option in…
4 answers

xinetd 'connection reset by peer'

I'm using percona-clustercheck (which comes with Percona's XtraDB Cluster packages) with xinetd and I'm getting an error when trying to curl the clustercheck service. /usr/bin/clustercheck: #!/bin/bash # # Script to make a proxy (ie HAProxy)…
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tomcat6 behind xinetd - real client ip

In server.xml, at the Connector I specify proxyPort as 80. Here's the xinetd service: service http { socket_type = stream protocol = tcp user = tomcat6 wait = no bind …
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BASH Script as xinetd service

I have recently found out that a server I am working on has an xinetd service that is in fact a shell script that calls another shell script with arguments retrieved via respective network connections. It does something like this: …
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5 answers

TCPWrappers still in use?

According to my current understanding, tcpwrappers can be used via inetd or xinetd. Lately I have been informed that inetd/xinetd came into existence to make more efficient use of hardware in earlier days and are therefore seen rarely nowadays. My…
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9 answers

xinetd won't start

Silly question... I can't get xinetd to start on my linux box (CENTOS 4.8). I've got so far as to remove it and reinstall it via yum. When I try to start it, stop it, etc. I get no error at all. [root@server ~]# service xinetd stop …
Mike B
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2 answers

web browser dislikes xinetd

How can I make an xinetd service such that a web browser can reliably show its output? The service always sees the HTTP GET request on its stdin, and sends its reply to stdout. xinetd handles the tcp connection. Firefox sometimes correctly shows the…
Klaus Hartnegg
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Fedora 17 tftp not sending files on requests

My Issue is I am attempting to set up tftp on a server, Everything appers to be running correctly exept when I try to download a file from tftp it never responds, There are not any error's that I see, Just silence, When I sniff the trafic from the…
Tim Holum
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3 answers

Docker container exits without any message

I'm trying to run xinetd in a Docker container. My Docker file is very basic: # voip-monitor # # VERSION 0.0.1 FROM ubuntu:14.04 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y xinetd python EXPOSE 9090 CMD ["/usr/sbin/xinetd", "-d…
Jeroen Moors
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preventing log_on_success in xinetd

I'd like to prevent a particular xinetd check from logging START/EXIT messages as it's a lot of logging I don't need. Is ther a way to set log_on_success = NONE or something? I'm able to find ways of adding/removing individual items from the check,…
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