Questions tagged [xenserver]

XenServer is the virtualization platform Citrix has built around the Xen Hypervisor.

631 questions
1 answer

Systemrescueconsole after install xenserver tools | How to use the Recovery Cosnole

I have trouble with Windows Server 2008 R2, after updating XenServer tools the server starts in Recovery Console from Drive X, on Drive C is a system reserved partition and on Drive d there is the right Start Volume. But i don't know why the…
2 answers

Determine RAID configuration XenServer HP Server ML370 G5

I use a HP ProLiant ml370G5 server. Its OS is XenServer from Citrix.(based on Xen). Last week one its hard disks has been damaged and I want to change it. I want to know what is its RAID configuration (for example RAID 1 or 2 or ...). How I can…
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V2V conversion - linux distro from .vmdk to XenServer .vhd

I am running XenServer for virtualization. I have a linux distro with Big Blue Button ( in .vmdk format that I'd like to run on my XenServer (it uses .vhd files). Problem is that the official tool XenConvert only works if…
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Citrix Xenserver vs xen 4.1 hypervisor vs xen XCP etc?

I'm needing to use XEN for a project that contains multiple GPU cards with PCI passthrough. However, I'm not really sure which version of XEN I should be using. In all likelyhood I may need to tweak the source code to get the GPU's to work…
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Multiple XEN nodes with the same external ip?

I have a server with debian that uses the xen kernel. I've successfully created and started 2 xen nodes, lets call them and They both have their own internal ip and they can be connected to interally. But the problem…
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xenserver: installation via kickstart file after adding storage

export MGUID=`xe vm-install template=centos6 new-name-label="centos 6 test install 3"` xe vm-disk-add disk-size=11GiB vm=$MGUID sr-uuid=$STORAGE_UID device=0 xe vm-param-set uuid="$MGUID" PV-args="ks= ksdevice=eth0" xe…
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XEN server not routing traffic to DomU

I am sticking with this problem for a couple of hours now and I am just not finding the right hint. Dom0 is a Debian Squeeze. I setup a Xen Server on a Dom0 using apt-get. Dom0 has the ip Server is reachable and works fine.…
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Adding an ssh key to a Xen VM

I recently needed to restart a Xen host box, and now I can no longer ssh into the VMs. I was able to before, but now I get Permission denied (publickey). I am not too experienced with Xen, is there a reason it would have removed or overwritten the…
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XenCenter Client Logins

Currently, I have a XenServer and XenCenter setup with my root account which allows me to manage all the VM's on the server. I'd like to know if it is possible to create client accounts in XenServer which have permissions that are set so they can…
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XenServer VM SSH

I am trying to create a Ubuntu VM in XenServer and log into it with SSH. I was already able to do this using the same image, but now I just cannot figure out how I got the IP of the newly created machine. I only have access to the Host through SSH…
2 answers

Booting XenServer 5.6 from iSCSI

I would like to setup a diskless XenServer 5.6 FP 1 machine that boots from an iSCSI target. I think installation onto an iSCSI should be pretty easy: start the installer, open up a shell, use iscsiadm to connect to the iSCSI target, and have the…
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Backing up XenServer VMs to a Windows share

I currently run two XenServers with a few VMs. I have been looking into this script solution or possibly this one, but it relies on an NFS share. My environment is mostly Windows and I'd prefer to backup the whole VMs to Windows backup machines.
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Instructions to make Ubuntu 11 Server work with XenServer?

Does anyone have good instructions on how to make Ubuntu 11 work well on XenServer? I have two servers setup and would like to make sure that I get them working as well as I can on XenServer. I am pretty new to running the linux servers but have…
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Performance implications of running SQL Server 2008 in a virtual machine

I have a bare-bones Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise production server running SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. We have a faster server that isn't being utilized and I'd like to move the production database onto it. However, I also wanted to use the faster…
2 answers

SAS HBA and P2000 SAS controllers speed

I have HP SC08Ge HBAs and P2000 G3 solution (RAID6, 8+2 spare disks) working on XenServer 5.6.0 . What seems to be strange, is the speed - 35MB/s maximum in one VM (Squeeze). Is it normal or I have to investigate some bottleneck or whatever ... I'm…
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