Questions tagged [xen]

Xen is a hypervisor based virtualization. It supports x86, AMD64, IA64, ARM and other CPU types, and Linux, Windows, Solaris and *BSD guest operating systems.

The Xen (pronounced zen) hypervisor runs directly on the hardware and then starts a privileged virtualized system called "Dom0". You can regard that as xen-controller. From the Dom0 system you can create other virtualised systems called Domains that Xen literature calls DomU.

Xen works with paravirtualisation and full virtualisation (full virtualisation is only available on systems supporting CPU virtualisation extensions). Paravirtualisation requires an OS that is aware of it to work, but on the other hand provides almost direct access to critical parts of the hardware like memory and I/O, making paravirtualisation extremely fast. Linux and most BSDs have paravirtualised awareness and are widely used with Xen.

Full virtualisation is used by operating systems that are not paravirtualisation-aware like Microsoft Windows and require hardware support, specifically the virtualisation extensions from AMD and Intel (AMD-V or VT-x respectively). Also, full virtualisation has to emulate most of the access to hardware, having a performance penalty to this kind of virtualisation.

Xen started as a project at the University of Cambridge in 2003 as an open source project with an associated company selling support services (XenSource, Inc). Citrix acquired XenSource in 2007 and renamed the professional services XenServer, while the open source project moved to and continued its development under the guidance of the Xen Project Advisory Board formed by companies interested in Xen development. XenServer products were renamed Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) and open sourced by Citrix in 2009 and are available for download on the website.

1142 questions
7 answers

Secondary IP (eth0:0) acts like main server IP

I have a CentOS server, configured with 4 consecutive IPs: eth0 5.x.x.251 eth0:0 5.x.x.252 eth0:1 5.x.x.253 eth0:2 5.x.x.254 The problem is that all traffic goes out to the internet with eth0:0 (5.x.x.252) as the source IP, instead of eth0. #…
George Tasioulis
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4 answers

Virtualization for hardware resiliency?

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to pool several physical servers to run a resilient virtualization environment. Our servers are getting more and more critical to our clients and we want to do everything we can to improve resiliency in the event…
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3 answers

Ubuntu 12.04 Netinstall URL? Xen Host

Well I have an Xen server, I've got a CentOS container up fine but a friend of mine wants (oh god) Ubuntu Server 12.04, why he can't use Debian is beyond my understanding. But anyways, I can't remember how I installed the CentOS container but I'm…
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1 answer

Ubuntu upstart hangs on interactive start & stop

How do I get Ubuntu upstart to not hang on interactive start & stop? I have created many upstart scripts that work fine during init, but often hang when I enter them at the console. If I CTRL+C out, all that happens is that the job changes state.…
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1 answer

Weird nfs performance: 1 thread better than 8, 8 better than 2!

I'm trying to determine the cause of poor nfs performance between two Xen Virtual Machines (client & server) running on the same host. Specifically, the speed at which I can sequentially read a 1GB file on the client is much lower than what would…
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2 answers

LVM is reporting I/O errors, but the disk reports no problems. Argh

I've started seeing errors reported by LVM on certain Logical Volumes (and by Xen when attempting to create virtual machines on these LVs). But I've run tests on the disk, and can't see any hardware problems. We're running a XEN/Linux (Debian Lenny)…
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3 answers

server virtualization: hypervisor (xen) or virtualbox?

I just set up a debian server for websites but now I need to install a windows server on the same machine because I need to run a game server (windows-only). Virtualbox is already installed on my machine, I already set up a ubuntu-desktop on the…
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0 answers

How can I stop Freenas from assigning two disks from different SATA controllers the same device number?

I have Freenas running in a VM in XCP-NG. I've followed the guides and I've dedicated a SATA controller to it using PCI-passthrough. Freenas correctly discovers its boot disk, which is virtual, and two physical disks that are connected through the…
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1 answer

VM transfer speed between XCP-ng (XEN) servers

I have two HP DL380 G8 servers with 4x 1TB on HP p420 RAID controllers in RAID 1+0 setup. Eth0s are connected to the router, and Eth3&Eth4s are bonded (LACP) and connected directly between machines. If I run #!/bin/bash clear echo 'Starting disk…
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1 answer

How can I convert a iSCSI system disk from XenServer to another format

Perhaps this is quite a silly question. I installed a new VM on XenServer. It loads the full system from a iSCSI from a NAS. Now I am planning to migrate to Proxmox as XenServer falls short regarding USB passthrough. Nevertheless, I don't have a…
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4 answers

Which is the best inexpensive way to manage five virtualization hosts?

for the 5 (physical) servers in our datacenter, I'm looking for a unified virtualization design. All 5 servers do not come with hardware virtualization support (older XEONs). Since we're an NGO on low budget, price does play a key role here. The…
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2 answers

bash: convert date from to unix timestamp changes timestamp

Running the following command at the xen-servers (either DOM0 or DOMU) at $company gives me a negativ number, on every other system zero (0) (even in my cygwin). date -d "1970-01-01T00:00:00" "+%s" $TZ is unset, /etc/localtime is the same file as…
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2 answers

Backup Xen domU machines

This is similar to my last question except that my last question included "while running" in the title. I've since learned that this isn't exactly possible. Here is my understanding of the options (when using LVM for the file system…
Jonathan Hawkes
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2 answers

Xen / libvirt - "End of file while reading data: Input/output error" when attempting to start a domain

I'm getting the following string of errors when I attempt to start a domain using virsh: virsh # start vimes error: Failed to start domain vimes error: End of file while reading data: Input/output error error: Failed to reconnect to the…
Adam Luchjenbroers
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5 answers

ntpdate not updating system time in XenServer VM

We have a Debian webserver that I am trying to use ntpdate to keep the time in sync. When I run ntpdate I receive 16 Sep 10:55:36 ntpdate[21626]: step time server offset 318.914011 sec With no errors, which should be…
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