Questions tagged [xampp]

A package consisting of Apache, mySQL, PHP and Perl, available for multiple platforms meant for use by developers.

XAMPP is a package consisting of Apache, mySQL, PHP and Perl meant for software developing purposes. These are all distributed as one, making it easy for anyone to 'bootstrap' all the packages on a developers machine.

XAMPP packages are currently available for Windows, Linux, OS X and Solaris. For more information see the XAMPP web page at

Questions about using XAMPP in a production environment are off-topic on Serverfault.

240 questions
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problem with enableing apache mod rewrite on xampp

I'm trying to enable the mod rewrite on apache for xampp, I've uncommented the code LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ also I have the AllowOverride All as well but it's still not working, I get the error 400 which says Bad…
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XAMPP on Catalina - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock'

i installed xampp to make a local website. i finished the website and tried to export the db to switch to production and i noticed that the DB in php my admin seemed to be empty ( which couldn't be possible, because i worked with the wordpress…
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Virutal Hosting using XAMPP in AWS EC2 INSTANCE

Trying to host 2 or more domains in a single aws ec2 instance. my configuration is: host: [my domain] httpd.conf: Listen 80 AllowOverride none Require all granted #Virtual hosts Include…
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Using a sub domain on my local machine without specifying the port

I have a domain that I purchased from my web host. I want to use the subdomain that I have created on my local machine as the files that I am using cannot be installed on the host. As of right now the subdomain works, however I have to include the…
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Why first request take always take around 10% more time than subsequent requests?

Example: If the first request took about 1.32s, the subsequent requests will take approx 1.18s to 1.2s. From my research, the first request can be improve by setting the StartServers, MinSpareThreads and MaxSpareThreads in the…
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Setting up Virtual Hosts in XAMPP on Windows

I'm having trouble setting up some virtual hosts using XAMPP. The machine name is and is only accessible on the Intranet. I want other machines on the network to be able to see the virtual hosts I want to created. I need…
Jake Evans
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accessing own XAMPP directory through shell putty

I am trying to compare directories from a shared host server and directories located in my own computer. Own computer has XAMPP as the server. To compare these two directories, I need access to the directories in folder htdocs (i.e.…
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How can I make xampp live on the internet?

I am running xampp on my PC for a dev server but I would like to make it go on the internet, so I can show certain people work I am doing. Can someone tell me how to do this?
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Apache Not Running - Xampp

I'm using Xampp and for some reason Apache will not run. I'm using version 1.8.1 of Xampp. When I run xampp I get told to check the Windows Event Log or Error.log however there is nothiung regarding any application in there with a error. I checked…
1 answer

APACHE httpd.conf error

I have recently installed the latest Apache. It is working fine through localhost:80 and through, but I can't connect through [External IP]:80. I have forwarded ports correctly, but I don't know if it has something to do with the…
Bailey Butler
3 answers

Give a name to localhost with specifying a port

I am using xammp on windows. I change my port number as 8090 but now I couldnt reach the localhost when I type to the browser. What should I do to make any name to open my localhost even if the port is not 80. Or moreover I…
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My Apache virtualhosts is acting up

my windows 7 hosts file has this... and my apache http-vhosts.conf file has this... DocumentRoot "E:/Server/htdocs/myframework" ServerName ServerAlias…
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Access forbidden! using xampp on macosx 10.5

I installed xampp back around January 2009, and CF8 to test coldfusion on my macbook (note: I do not think that this issue is related to CF, but only xampp). I only ever used the apache part of xampp, and this was working for over a year. In the…
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How can I Host a website with a Domain name just within the Local Network?

I host a website on a local network with XAMPP. I usually access it with the IP address on another device. How can I host my website on a domain like website.local ? My OS is Windows 10 but if needed can switch to linux.
1 answer

XAMPP FTP errors

I have a windows 2012r2 server that I am trying to setup with Xampp. I can get everything but FTP wont allow me to upload. Ive tried forcing it to use active mode. Ive tried forcing the ports on the server and client side. Ive disabled firewalls but…
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