Questions tagged [whm]

Off Topic Warning: cPanel control panel questions are generally considered off topic for Server Fault and more appropriately asked on WebHost Manager (WHM) is a web-based tool developed by cPanel used by server administrators and resellers to manage hosting accounts on a web server.

21 questions
1 answer

How to automatically block with MODSEC or CSF an IP Address when it tries to access a URL

We have in our server logs every day continuos bot trying to access the below for example: Requests with error response codes 404 Not Found /favicon.ico: 3 Time(s) /3ckkB-ZOp30: 2 Time(s) /adminer-3.7.1.php: 2 Time(s) /eGfLqNJOuqgur2f: 2…
2 answers

Maximum concurrent users on linux server

I have a dedicated server with these info: 128G RAM 6 cores/12 threads CPU, 3.4GHz 512 SSD storage WHM/Cpanel latest Apache/MySQL Centos 7.x I have a single website on this server which have heavy traffic at specific times of each day for less than…
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1 answer

Getting SERVFAIL error for one domain on a cPanel/WHM server

I am facing a very weird issue. Everything works well for all the domains on server but one. I added this domain some days ago and this is the situation: 1) If I run I get the correct domain NS records. And also correct NS…
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1 answer

Canceling domain name effects in nameserver

I have 5 domain in cpanel, one of the domain name is (just say) , nameserver name is and for all 5 domains, Here I have to delete account and don't want to renew Will it affect other domain working? Becoze…
1 answer

error The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation

after change server and setup centos with cpanel lumen cron job not worked and every minutes add this error to lumen log: The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation. in…
1 answer

Fixing crashed MariaDB databases on a cPanel server

I have a small cPanel server which I use for my clients' projects and my own personal projects. This is also shared among a few of my friends who chime in to keep the disks spinning. Recently I've noticed a huge increase in CPU usage for mysql and…