Questions tagged [whitelist]

145 questions
1 answer

Whitelist domain name for to allow a test to run

Using a 4G Router (HUAWEI B315) with a domain name whitelist to prevent excessive data usage. It will only allow our custom API through. However when testing the router at new venues it would be great to run speed tests without removing the domain…
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Block a computer from all but 1 or 2 websites?

I'm setting up a computer for our machine shop that is intended for them to only get to a couple sites they may need while working. It needs to still be on our network so they can look at files saved on the network, but it shouldn't be able to get…
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nginx special directory whitelist extension

How can i set white list extension for special directory for my virtual host. I have bower installation of my webapp and i install many bower component into bower_components directiry of root of virtual host /vhostroot /bower_components /foo …
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Blacklist and whitelist of domains on Debian Linux router

I have to create blacklist and whitelist in small office for two groups of employees. I divided the users into two group: First group has block all webpages except about 80 domains which i want to add to whitelist. They have ip address…
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Any way to Improve performance of iptables DDOS whitelist?

I'm having a problem stopping a DDOS attack on a dedicated server. I have tried a lot of things (mod_evasive, apf, ddos deflate, bfd...). The attack is very big and from a lot of differents IPs, and the firewalls and protections don't detect…
2 answers

VPN To Provide A Static IP Address

We are developing on a server with a client whose network does not have a VPN and restricts access to the server by a whitelist IP list. Many of our team members do not have static IP addresses as they are fairly mobile and many are working from…
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Secure server accessing R repository

Disclaimer: Please forgive my complete ignorance and lack of knowledge with this subject. I am not an IT professional nor do I have experience with secure networks/servers or R. I just happen to be the person roped into this and am completely lost.…
2 answers

windows 10 firewall: block any ip address but one

i have just enabled remote desktop on a windows 10 computer, and in fact when i telnet to 3389 port from any other computer i can reach that service, but what i want is to deny the connection from any computer but a specific one (, so i…
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BlackList and WhiteList with windows server 2012r2 in Domain?

I'm trying to create Blacklist and Whitelist which dissallow or allow users in my domain installing certain softwares, programs. I just create a GPO in Company A OU, didn't modify anything. When I using a user (name is KT1), login domain, I can't…
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Preventing operating systems from being installed on a server

Is it possible to blacklist certain operating systems from being installed on a server? Example scenarios: 1) There is an existing physical server, with no operating system. Is there a way to block say, Windows Server 2012 from being installed on…
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