Questions tagged [vcpu]

72 questions
1 answer

Calculation of virtual resources

I virtualized a server using VMware ESXi. My virtual machine has 8 vCPU, while the real processor is an Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 (6 core) @ 2,4 GHz. In order to estimate virtual resources needed for running that virtual machine, is it correct the…
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How to assign dedicated vCPUs to specific VM on Proxmox (KVM) or what system could do that?

I'm posting this here, because what I've found about the topic is either outdated, incomplete or not suitable for various reasons. I have wanted for a long time to learn how to map specific vCPUs to a specific VM (that needs the maximum possible CPU…
Benito L.
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virsh vcpu_period and vcpu_quota

I have been looking into ways to divide my CPU amongst KVM guests other than by just setting vCPU access limits. I understand the concept of cpu_shares which can be set/displayed with virsh schedinfo, but I also found vcpu_period and vcpu_quota…
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vCPU allocation to a VM on XenServer

I recently upgrade a HP server from one used CPU socket (4 cores + HT = 8 cores) to 2 used CPU sockets (16 cores). However, I'm only able to assign 8 cores to a VM. When setting 16 it defaults back to 8 in the "new VM wizard", and when changing it…
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Will More vCPU's and RAM Help Protect Against Some Smaller Scale DDoS Attacks?

Obviously having more vCPU's (virtual CPU's) and more RAM by them self won't be able to alone help stop and/or prevent a DDoS attack, but let's say after a DDoS attack is finished and/or slowing down would having more vCPU's and RAM dedicated to a…
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Configuring a 1-to-1 allocation of virtual processors

I have a question regarding a recommendation for setting up vCPU on a hyper-v virtual server. Documentation for the application states "For best performance, configure a 1-to-1 allocation of virtual processors to available Hyper-V Host logical…
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t2.micro instance is always below baseline CPU usage but still consumes CPU credits - why?

I have a t2.micro instance running Ubuntu Linux on ec2 in Ireland, it's running batch jobs and I've tuned them so that the max CPU is pretty low - it never exceeds 10%. The docs say that: When a T2 instance uses fewer CPU resources than its base…
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How can I keep a third-party cloud provider accountable for guest VM performance?

I support an ERP system for a manufacturer. We're experiencing intermittent application performance issues on our database, hosted on VMware by a third-party cloud provider. (They're a smaller provider... not Google, Microsoft, Amazon, or the like.)…
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CPU frequency governor for virtualized guest in VMware

CPU frequency governor can scale the CPU frequency up or down in order to save resources. In a physical server usually have sense, but I don't know if this is applicable for a virtual guest running under VMware. Does make sense in a custom kernel…
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How can an ESXi have 1 core and 4 sockets?

I know this is in reference to a vCPU, but even so, logically it doesn't make sense to have 4 sockets and a single core. That sounds to me more like you've filled one of the sockets with a single core CPU and left 3 sockets open. I have a hunch…
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VMware - Can a 1 vCPU VM use more than 1 physical core at the same time?

Assume I have a physical ESX host with ONE quad-core processor and hyper-threading disabled. This means it has a total of 4 physical cores or pCPUs. I create a single VM on this VMware host. I assign this VM to have 1vCPU and put no CPU…
2 answers

Can KVM CPU assignment count differ from physical hosts CPU count?

I have read this question. I knew already that I could for example, have a quad core machine with four guests each having two vCPUs. As they don't all be require 100% CPU usage all the time, the scheduler would handle this for me. My question is…
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Set CPU affinity for specific VM on vmware ESXI using govc CLI

I have shell scripts that I use to programmatically configure my Virtual Machines (VMs) on my vmware ESXi host. I use the "govc" command-line-interface (CLI) which provides a suite of commands to configure my VMs that run on my ESXI (i.e. powering…
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Azure VM Core vs vCPU

When comparing two different VM series in Azure, I see that one has Cores and the other one vCPUs. Keeping aside the number of Cores/CPUs, Memory and Processor Type (Intel Xeon E/Platinum etc), what is the advantage of one over the other? I…
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processor type differences between elasticache instance types , will all instances suffer the same way?

This may sound like yet another, "what is a vcpu" or "should I use elasticache, remember its single threaded!!" question --- but I think this asks a question unanswered. redis is single threaded, means only one core will ever be used. elasticache is…
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