Questions tagged [url-routing]

78 questions
2 answers

Proxy port is put automatically at Nginx and Apache combination

I successfully able to setup nginx and apache combination to serve wordpress blog with the help of this site. I exactly followed all the codes supplied in that site and following is the directory strcture of my blog and…
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Sonicwall TZ190 Firewall traffic routing via HTTP Host name and port

Ok I am not sure if I asked the question correctly so have mercy. My network is growing at work and I am finding it hard to manage my firewall rules. The problem I am having is 2 fold: I have 4 servers at work and with progress more services are…
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IIS 7.5 UrlRoutingModule put the cpu at 100 %

i dont know why and dont know how to resolve my problem. Actually i get a web site whoe occassionnly have UrlRoutingModule take all the cpu. Did somebody know a test or a way i could find the problem ? It's look like mvc problem but i am not sure.
Cédric Boivin
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How to locally define how a URL is resolved in Windows/IIS

I know that there is a way to make any defined URL resolve to a different URL, but I can't remember how or where to define this setting. I understand this is ambiguous, so consider the following example. I am building…
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URL redirect to a virtual server on a VLAN

I have a production site, running off 10 servers. I've been given another virtual server on the same network as these 10 servers, to use for testing purposes. This server doesn't have it's own DNS entry. Therefore I need to do a redirect to the site…
2 answers

SharePoint 2007: Moving main site, to be a subsite - How can urls be redirected/changed?

The setup: SharePoint 2007 (MOSS Enterprise) on WINSVR03/IIS6 One site collection, with one access mapping (http://mainsite) currently I'm moving the main SharePoint site, in our one site collection, to be a subsite in a new site collection. I'm…
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1 answer

iptables rules to route a domain through a vpn interface and remaining traffic via default interface

I have a wireguard vpn connection to access certain private services hosted on private ec2 instances. But I want to be able to use my default internet connection for remaining traffic and only route those certain domain names via the wireguard…
0 answers

Creating a custom URL for reverse local proxy with NGINX

I'm trying to set a custom URL for a reverse proxy. From what I understand, the code should be fairly straight forward. Here's what I've got: worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { server { listen 8080; …
1 answer

Nginx: URL rewrite with proxy_pass and URL parameters and special chars

I studied all the great posts to nginx proxy and rewrite functionality, but was unable to find a solution for my problem. So here we are. I wrote an web application with vaadin, that is able to handle the follwoing…
1 answer

Is it possible to reveal URLs in a masked, server-side 301 redirect?

I work for a search monitoring company and I'm currently investigating some advertisements which are hiding malicious URLs in masked, server-side redirects. When users click these ads, they're redirected through a domain located on a server with…
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3 answers

Azure gateway for web apps

We are looking for an Azure solution for routing incoming API messages (microservices-based) through a single entry-point to several Azure Web App instances (*, rather than several Virtual Machines. The routing will be URL-based,…
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2 answers

Query string issue with php-fpm and nginx

I am trying to run a PHP app using Nginx. Rewriting URLs work properly, however, query strings are not passed to the PHP files. Am I doing something wrong in the below configuration? I would appreciate any help! nginx-site.conf : server { root …
1 answer

Nginx pattern matching to part of path

Here's what I would like to accomplish: All requests to /api/... should be directed to a reverse proxy All requests to /static/... should be served from /html/static/pub All other requests should be served from /html/app/pub OR fall back to…
Máté Safranka
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1 answer

Hiding parameters on url with nginx

I have a website with this kind of adresses:[userprofile1]?r=[login]&w=[encryptedpassword] ie:…
1 answer

Cisco Router - How do I host multiple websites with one public IP

I'm having some difficulty configuring my Cisco 4300 Series router to host multiple websites with a single public IP. I have created my access lists, but the techs over there tell me I must have one static public IP for each website I want to host,…
Mike Malter
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