Questions tagged [uid]

44 questions
0 answers

How to restrict UID range in AD Identity Management for UNIX

I want to enable AD (win 2008 R2) users on a linux box. The problem is that there are also local users (for historical reasons). Now I want to make sure that there is no clash in UIDs (or at least minimise the chance). The historic local accounts…
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1 answer

Change effective id

I'd like to know how to change my effective uid mike628@NASBD122F:/etc$ id -G 1000 0 121 I belong to these groups, but I cant do anything as root, when things are owned by root:root and can someone explain this clearly? Thanks
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5 answers

Windows DHCP-Client shall not send UID

is there a way to tell the Windows DHCP-Client not to send along this useless UID parameter with its DHCP requests? Thing is: We have dual boot machines (Windows and Linux). When Windows gets started first it gets the lease based on a UID that it…
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3 answers

Access backup files with different UID

Say I have a user with UID 500 on a linux machine for administration purposes. This machine is a backup repository for other *nix machines. I need the user 500 to access the files in the backups, but the files are owned by other UIDs that don't…
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mod_wsgi with dynamically allocated UIDs

I have a system where users upload wsgi applications and we serve them using apache/mod_wsgi. For scaling reasons, we're simply using the WSGIDaemonProcess directive and setting them to dynamically allocated UID/GIDs. The problem is, we don't have…
dave paola
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2 answers

bulk swap uidNumber/gidNumber?

We currently have LDAP servers in Dev env. and staging/prod env. Both are not coupled and accounts are created manually. So the uids are same but the uidNumber and gidNumber are different across these two envs. I am trying to upgrade to 389 DS and…
2 answers

A few users and subuid/subgid mapping

I cannot get my head around the userns-idmap mapping ie with sub{uid,gid} mapping stuff. Here's what I have: # lxc launch images:ubuntu/22.04 c1 # lxc config device add c1 home disk source=/home/user3/ path=/home/user3 # lxc config device add c1…
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1 answer

Decode UID from dhcpd.leases

I have am testing a device on my network which has this lease assigned: lease { starts 3 2022/07/20 16:12:37; ends 3 2022/07/20 16:22:37; cltt 3 2022/07/20 16:12:37; binding state active; next binding state free; rewind…
Johannes Linkels
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What is missing from sssd.conf so that linux UID isn't being copied into AD user's uid attribute?

SSSD 1.16.5, centos 7 For domain joined Linux systems, I have to manually set their uidNumber or uid AD attribute to their Linux UID so that users can write on world-writable NFS shares. uid/uidNumber empty, domain users cant write. Something is…
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2 answers

Exchange mailbox UID confusion after deletion and re-creation with same alias

I created an exchange mailbox early 2019 and deleted it in december 2019 I think. Then I re-created AD and exchange account with same name and same email address in september 2020. Since, we have difficulties to send email to this person because it…
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1 answer

Core processes are started to run under another user, not root

I have added a new user as abc, with UID 0 and GUID 0 (as same as root. I know, it was a bad idea) Now, when I connect to ssh via root, it's shown as abc@localhost, not root@localhost. Also, all core processes are started to run under abc, not root.…
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Customize Welcome Message when linux user's login by ssh

I want to print message when user login to linux using ssh like this message (welcome Mr john_097968) where john is username and 097968 is UID Number . so how can I do that using links terminal
1 answer

Make user have same UID as PHP?

I'm running a web app in a FreeBSD jail. Nginx and PHP are configured as user:group www:www. I have a chrooted SFTP user who also is in the group www. (SFTPuser:www) My goal is that the files that I upload as this user appear as belonging to my php…
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Simple non-interactive tool for switching user

I need a tool that would be run by root, drop root by switching to another user, and then execute another program specified by the command line argument(s). Use case: run something from a (custom) init scripts under a non-privileged user. I want to…
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