Questions tagged [ubuntu-11.04]

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal

Ubuntu Linux is a Debian derivative that aims to bring Linux mainstream. Ubuntu is named after the South African philosophy of "humanity towards others," and the community observes a Code of Conduct in an effort to keep the project civil and appealing to novices.

Ubuntu versions are released every six months, following a YEAR.MONTH pattern. For example, the release codenamed Maverick was officially published October 10th 2010 as Ubuntu 10.10. Each release gets the software from the Debian Unstable repository, freezes it and fix and adapt it to Ubuntu philosophy.

Ubuntu Linux is backed by Canonical Ltd., a company founded and funded by south African Mark Shuttleworth, entrepreneur and Debian Developer. The focus of Canonical is to provide support and services to Ubuntu Linux Desktop and Server editions. Canonical employers sometimes develop to Ubuntu and Debian at the same time, that way keeping the contributions flowing back to Debian.

There is a Stack Exchange site dedicated to Ubuntu which is a good place to ask any Ubuntu-related questions.

75 questions
1 answer

cannot connect to ftp server from lan?

i am trying to make my ftp server accessible (for download only) by other computers on my LAN using anonymous user and without password, when i connect to it from the same pc using filezilla it works well but when trying from other PCs on the LAN it…
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4 answers

apache2 is not running but it listens at port 80

I made an image of one of my private Amazon EC2 image that runs one website, then started installing redmine. After all the installation is done, it is about to restart Apache I encountered the following issue(sorry you might have to zoom in to see…
Michael Z
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1 answer

Ubuntu 11.04 server crash report

I am using Ubuntu 11.04 server addition for my application. During some testing my server has just crashed. After that I am restart the server. My problem is how can i find the reason of crashing? I have googled it and find some suggesstion of…
Anand Soni
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2 answers

Measuring MySQL Replication Delay

How to measure MySQL replication delay between 2 MySQL servers ( 1 Master 1 Slave ) ? Given that two Xeon E5620 grade 1U servers are separate machine in same network segment, using MySQL Community Server 5.1 running in Ubuntu Linux Server 11.04.
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2 answers

VPS Memory Exchausted Even With Light Settings

Linux noob here. I have a 256MB VPS on Ubuntu 11.04 server and when I run "free -m" the result shows all memory being used (including the second line re: buffers/cache). I found this very strange, considering I only have 5 Apache processes running…
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4 answers

SSH Public Key Integrity

My understanding (albeit limited) of asymmetric public key cryptography is that the public key is designed to be shared with one and all, while the private key is kept private. Suppose I store my local machine's public key on a remote web server,…
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1 answer

Ubuntu preseed install fails: VFS: Cannot open root device "(null)" or unknown-block

I'm attempting to do an Ubuntu 11.10 server install using a preseed file for the first time. I created my preseed file by starting with the example file and just uncommenting/choosing what seemed reasonable. Here's the result, with no comments, for…
Adam Tuttle
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3 answers

Should I use ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 on ec2 for a rails front-end server?

I have been digging around for an answer to this question and have come up with a handful of benchmarks and a whole lot of promotional material but it's not clear to me what to choose. If I am setting up a new rails 3.1 front-end server, what…
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0 answers

Traffic shaping for gateway to stop leechers

I am new to traffic shaping, but I need a quick simple shaping. I have a free internet service on my place using wifi. All www traffic has been routed to transparent proxy. We have a 10mbps connection, and our usual client is around 100-130 clients.…
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2 answers

Compiling FreeTDS 0.91 on Ubuntu 11.04 x64

I'm working on a Python project that uses DSN-less connections with SQLAlchemy / pyodbc / unixODBC / FreeTDS to fetch data from a SQL Server database. Now I would like to set client charset directly in the connection string which is not possible in…
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2 answers

Need to install sun-java5-jdk on ubuntu 11.04

I've found debian package on It depends on sun-java5-jre. So I'm going to to install it first. But it depends on sun-java5-jdk!! How is it possible…
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1 answer

nginx won't start at boot

I have just installed Ubuntu Server 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) 64 bit. Then installed nginx via: sudo apt-get install nginx I configured it properly and ran it with: sudo service nginx start At this point, everything is ok. The server was properly…
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2 answers

init.d service died

Adapting some code from a linux forum, I've added a service script to /etc/init.d on my ubuntu natty server to start/stop/restart node.js It literally was working the first day I made it, but then today, after viewing my website this morning, the…
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1 answer

Installing Zimbra ZCS

I was looking through some tutorials on how to install Zimbra ZCS on Ubuntu. Mainly I kept coming across this one. I had two question related to the installation, Zimbra only has an "Official Version" for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Can I load it on Ubuntu…
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2 answers

postgresql not connecting after upgrading to ubuntu 11.04

I recently upgraded to Natty (Ubuntu 11.04) and now my postgresql does not seem to connect. I am using pgadmin3 which throws the following error: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost" and …
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