Questions tagged [troubleshooting]

Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes.

It is a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved, and so the product or process can be made operational again. Troubleshooting is needed to develop and maintain complex systems where the symptoms of a problem can have many possible causes.

351 questions
2 answers

Troubleshooting firewall and routing on Linux

Are there any tools or API hooks for troubleshooting iptables or routing on Linux? (besides the obvious -j LOG) In other words: what to do when tables with 200 or 300 firewalling rules after adding a new rule still doesn't allow new traffic. Or when…
Hubert Kario
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1 answer

DNS oddities with different nameservers

My ISP's DNS servers are sometimes sketchy, so I use and respectively. The Layer 3 DNS server and Google's DNS server. Sometimes there will be a long delay in resolving, and if I revert to the DNS servers given with DHCP, then…
Jay White
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1 answer

raid 1 and high load average

i have a server with high load average, I think the problem is the raid 1. Server is in one or two points of load average, and in seconds jumps to 10 points (md4_raid1 process), this happens once or twice per minute cat /proc/mdstat Personalities :…
2 answers

Port in Public IP can't be accessed

I have a local ip ( and also a public ip (yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy) for my local server. I host a website in the local server on port 5555. I can open my website from the local ip ( but I can't open it from my…
Anthony Steven
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2 answers

Server keeps crashing

I just recently rented a new server which is being used for hosting files and converting them. however for some reason the server keeps crashing every few hours, how can I find out the reason why my server is crashing? is there a log apart from…
3 answers

How to debug and prevent flaky unreliable IT environment?

I am not an IT admin, I'm a software developer (microsoft stack) and I'm trying to understand what is wrong with the IT environment of one of our customers. We have deployed our client\server solution to a medium sized business. The problem is, the…
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