Questions tagged [time-wait]

34 questions
1 answer

Debian/Apache Server waiting time very slow only with Chrome

I have a website running on a Linux Debian Squeeze server with Apache 2. The website is the only one on the server and the traffic to the website is very low (800-1000 connection per day). The problem is that when I run the website on Chrome the…
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2 answers

Newly configured MSSQL2008, TIME_WAIT but no ESTABLISHED?

Windows 2008 R2, standard. No firewall locally on it. Newly setup because an old SQL2000 had two disks die (or could it be the raid controller?) at the same time. Luckily, I had fresh backups. The databases have been restored, and SP2 for SQL2008…
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0 answers

How to block flooding "empty" connections from single IP

Right now netstat lists 200 - 4000 connections to the same IP in India. Seems like some kind of flooding attack to me. e.g: tcp 0 0 [removed] 182.65.238.[removed].in-:mysql TIME_WAIT I've tried to kill current connection with this…
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1 answer

Why is the same socket in TIME_WAIT many times?

I have read other threads regarding sockets in TIME_WAIT, but I am clearly still missing something. Below is a few lines from a "netstat -an". How could it get into this situation? If I understood the descriptions I found, we should not have more…
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