Questions tagged [thunderbird]

For questions relating to the email client from Mozilla Messaging.

Thunderbird is the free email client provided by Mozilla Messaging (under the umbrage of Mozilla Foundation) and also includes a feed reader.

98 questions
0 answers

Why cannot I retrieve emails from Cyrus-imap pop3 server?

When I click "Get Messages" in the Thunderbird client, I cannot retrieve any email from my Cyrus-imap pop3 server. I configured Thunderbird client to use pop3 port 995, Connection security: SSL/TLS. There is no error messages shown in Thunderbird .…
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1 answer

How can I set file permissions for new files in Maildir?

So I run debian 10 through VMbox on win10. I am setting up an email server right now and the things that won't let me turn in this quest is that I can't receive mail from the internet though I can send it. The mail is stored in /var/mail/Maildir and…
1 answer

Incoming emails are not visible Postfix

After 3 days I've decided to seek some help with postfix. I can send emails but I don't see the inbound emails! First it was working into Queue, when I tried to fix it to deliver to the right inbox it got worst. No bounce emails from gmail or…
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Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account

I can't seem to overcome the "Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account" error. I'm using Virtualbox (ubuntu, virtual server, virtual workstation, localhost Servername: angies2020-unix-server local: cis4335.local Attaching a…
1 answer

I can not use calendars hosted on the server with Thunderbird and Lightning

I am trying to use Thunderbird and Lightning to use caldav calendars. Still does not work. I have no experience with calendars, you likely have some things wrongly configured. I installed cyrus-imapd-2.4.17-caldav-beta9 and also use cyrus murder.…
Maria José
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Cannot Connect to POP Email Server via Third-Party Mail Client

I am trying to set up a POP email account via a third-party mail client in my office and can't do it. I have tried both Apple's Mail app and Mozilla Thunderbird, but I keep getting told that I have incorrect login information, despite the fact that…
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Unable to login to email server that I can telnet to?

I just finished following this tutorial on Digital Ocean for configuring a Dovecot, MySQL, and Postfix email server. I did not follow it to the end. (I didn't install Spam Assassin.) I also used a self-generated SSL temporarily. Other than that, I…
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2 answers

Install Mozilla Thunderbird on NAS

I have a small office with 3 computers running Linux Ubuntu. All the data are stored in a NAS drive (WD MyBook Live). I would like to - somehow - be able to access the email archives as well from each of these computers. For now, I don't really care…
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