Questions tagged [thin-provisioning]

48 questions
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OpenShift / Docker thin provisioning

I've been looking at OpenShift Origin documentation and tutorials for the past two days and I have a few questions if you guys can help me; For Docker’s thin provisioning configuration for production environments using direct-lvm the most common…
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Why does metadata cost double space when creating thin pool?

Background I have a vg with 32G free space on Centos6.9. When I use lvcreate -T vg/pool -L 30G --poolmetadatasize 2G to create a thin pool, it says insufficient free disk space. When I reduce the metadatasize to 512MB(lvcreate -T vg/pool -L 30G…
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LVM volume has a data percent bigger than 100%

One of my LVM volume is shown to have 372.6% data. How could this happen? Note the volume have been re-sized down from a bigger size, but the file system seems working fine. It actually impacts the pool's free space availability. Basically, even the…
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Is it possible to extend the data device of an Thin Provision pool setted by device mapper?

TL;DR : How can I extend the Thin-Pool if I'm not using LVM but Device Mapper itself directly? Detailed version: As far as I know, when we create a thin-pool by dmsetup, we can set a low_water_mark; once the watermark is reached, a dmevent will be…
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Measure the ratio of thin pool overcommitment

Is there a simple command to show just how much disk space total has been allocated in total within an LVM thin pool, and maybe also compute the ratio of disk space allocated by thin volumes to the disk space actually physically available to the…
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Is my KVM VM thin provisioned?

I was reading another post here Use Thin LVM Volume for KVM VM trying to understand whether or not KVM is capable of creating thin provisioned VMs. The post from about 8 months ago has both the OP and responder mentioning not supported to thin…
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cache_writeback of thin-provisioning-tools running failed

I use Ubuntu 16.04 with kernel 5.4 and thin-provisioning-tools version 0.8.5 I want to test the cache_xml and cache_writeback tools of thin-provisioning, but it failed. It always failed and I don't know how to debug. I have two SSD as RAID0 and use…
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3 answers

Copying thin VMFS .vmdk to a NAS

Short version: I want to copy a thin provisioned VMFS .vmdk from the free ESXI to a NAS for backup. How I do it? Are there any way which works out of the box? Naive copying doesn't work because it copies full size instead of actually provisioned…
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Reserving free space in LVM thin pool for admin VM

My goal is a default configuration for LVM thin-provisioning that is flexible enough to reserve a safety margin for one admin VM LV (VolA) versus user LVs (VolU1, VolU2, VolU3 ...) even if various administrators (on separate installations) use very…
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The tool thin_delta segfaulting

I am trying to run thin_delta and it is segfaulting. OS : CentOS 7. Cmd: /usr/sbin/pdata_tools thin_delta --verbose --thin1 1 --thin2 2 /dev/mapper/vg_root_thin_pool_tmeta I have a thin volume and two snapshots for the thin volume. The…
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2 answers

vCenter Thin Provisioned disk usage calculations

I'm managing a number of Thin-Provisioned VMs in vCenter 5.1.0. Each contains one virtual Harddisk. We run a pretty tight ship in terms of allocating storage, so the difference between 1 or 2 GBs is relevant for us in making storage decisions. I'm…
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How do I make KVM images with LVM partitioning be thinly provisioned with a max growth size?

BACKGROUND: Up to now, I have been provisioning VMs as follows: Create template/gold VM: Create new CentOS 6.6 VM with raw 200GB disk (1 .xml file, 1 .img file) LVM partitioning with: /boot, swap, and / partitions (most space in /) Install desired…
Steve Amerige
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ESX SAN overbooked, what happens if storage limit reached?

In ESX you can easily overbook the available storage with the Virtual Guests. What happens if a overbooked SAN reaches its capacity limit? Its not an actual problem i'm faced with, we just had the discussion in the office and no one knows exactly…
2 answers

How to reclaim disk space on ESXI 5.0

I have a DELL R710 with ESXI 5.0. I've created a VM with 100GB thin provision. I deleted most of the data. Is it possible to shrink the VM folder on the ESXI? thanks! Dotan.
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should I use thick or thin provisioning

I have a linux vm with 40GB Thick provision Eager Zeroed. when I login to my ESXI Server I can see that the folder of the VM is about 40GB. I've created a 10GB file on the linux VM machine. I see that the VM folder on the ESXi grew in 10 GB. I…
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