Questions tagged [tcpip]

TCP and IP are two important protocols used in networking today. Due to their importance, the Internet Protocol Suite is also commonly known as "TCP/IP"

455 questions
2 answers

what is meant by application layer protocols being encapsulated into transport layer protocols?

I am reading this wikipedia article: It talks about how TCP and UDP are transport layer protocols which are designed to connect one host to another either through connection-oriented or…
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Can a large number of network hardware interrupts cause a machine to be underutilized?

I don't know much about networking sorry. I'm building a client / server where the server streams a lot of data to the client and I'm trying to maximise throughput (through TCP). If I run both client and server I get pretty high throughput. However,…
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Where is a TCP/IP connection established?

When a TCP/IP Connection is established, is all handled at the network interface (NIC) level or does it also hit the OS kernel? If so, is it expensive to the CPU (in terms of CPU cycles)?
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What is the incentive to operate a TCP/IP node?

I mean, why does anybody relay messages to other nodes? Why are these eleven good people below helping me send my bytes to their destination? traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets 1…
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2 answers

Why do we need logical addressing

Possible Duplicate: Why couldn’t MAC addresses be used instead of IPv4|6 for networking? If physical address or Mac address is unique why do we need logical addressing? This because the size and format of Mac address or physical address is…
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