Questions tagged [stored-procedures]

36 questions
1 answer

Index rebuild stored procedure fails while calling temporary table

SQL Server 2008 Enterprise on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Cluster that is used to support SharePoint 2007 and 2010. We have a weekly index rebuild job that first checks the index fragmentation, and if there is greater than 10% fragmentation then…
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Dump SQL Server Stored Procedures to Files

Is there a non-interactive (read: script-able) way to dump all stored procedures to disk? We keep versions of our stored procedures in the repository to track changes and for deployment and rollback purposes. Currently whenever we want to modify a…
Jake Wharton
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Prioritize\speed up stored procedure

I've got a stored procedure with loops and what not inside and recursive calling of other stored procedure and recursive calling of the stored procedure itself. This stored procedure has a lot of business logic inside it and I won't go into the…
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2 answers

Importing oracle dump file, getting error on stored procedures

I export an oracle "schema" using exp userid=/ file=pt.dmp log=pt.log owner=FOO buffer=10000000 statistics=NONE direct=Y and then import it into a different schema on the same oracle instance on the same SID using imp userid=/ file=pt.dmp…
Paul Tomblin
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1 answer

MySQL Server stops working on heavy calculation load

When executing the attached procedure, mysql hangs up and does not replay anymore until cancelling the task. It is installed locally on a windows machine. Its whole performance is terribly. What to do? //edit: System information: i7 3GHz, 8GB RAM,…
1 answer

Stored Proc. parameter being dropped on one server but not on another

I have a really weird issue here. I have two server setups, one here and one at a customer. The two setups are pretty alike - same OS/SQL server version etc. On our end everything is working fine, but on the customer end they were getting really…
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