Questions tagged [spoofing]

Spoofing is an activity when a person or program try to impersonates itself as another.

Spoofing can be used to gaining an illegitimate advantage by masquerading itself as legitimate party. Some common spoofing are:

  1. IP Spoofing: Special crafted TCP/IP packet with forged source IP address. It can be used to perform DOS attack by sending it to "open" NTP/DNS server.
  2. ARP Spoofing: Special crafted ARP reply messages with forged MAC Address. It can be used to perform MITM attack.
  3. Email Spoofing: Special crafted email with forged sender address and/or forged email header. It can be used to perform phising or spamming.

Another spoofing activities are: HTTP header spoofing, Caller ID spoofing, GPS spoofing and others.

123 questions
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Practical way to implement prevention of IP Spoofing

I am an undergraduate Computer Science student and was hoping to gain some knowledge of ways to help prevent IP spoofing but all the resources I have tried out elaborate this concept in a theoretical way. I want to try out my hands at one of the…
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Exchange 2010 email spoofing prevention

Masters, Unfortunately we got some spam mail which seems to be coming from our own domain. I found some article which all says to remove Anonymous login from internet receive…
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Woes with named/bind and forwarding zones

I'm sadly restricted to a very old version of bind (9.4.2) This is the think. If I setup bind with a named.conf and only forwarding it works perfect. acl clients { any ; }; options { listen-on {; }; forward only ; …
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3 answers

Spoof database connection to be local instead of remote

I am trying to connect one of our clients "as is" programs to a remote database instead of a local one, they think that they have coded it to work that way, but for some reason the program crashes when trying to connect to a remote database. I don't…
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Bingbot spoof localhost ip

So here is a fun one. I'm getting bingbot requests at a certain time everyday that kill the server. Here is the request: - - [14/Sep/2013:08:18:49 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 82810 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0;…
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Finding spoofed IP address on network

I have a few IP spoof dropped messages coming out of my Sonicwall firewall, we'll call them Source A and Source B. Both of these sources have the same mac address indicating they're coming from the layer 3 switch behind my firewall. Source A has an…
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ISP login, MAC spoofing, WiFi and multiple devices

I have a Tikona Digital Broadband (WiMax based) Internet Connection which allows limited number of devices to be connected at a time and also requires that the users login with username and password (by visiting a browser page on each device) before…
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When a client sends a RST packet, will the server close the connection ?

What I'm trying to do is block RST attacks with IPTables. When I do a search for it, I'm seeing rules where packets with the RST flag set is being rate limited. I'm questioning it a little bit. I think I need to rate limit RST / ACK and not RST If…
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DDoS false IP attack

Possible Duplicate: DDoS attack, how to stop? I'm getting 10MB attacks, IP spoofing, which is used fake IPs, causing high CPU usage of the machine, and falls all. What should I do to prevent it? Dedicated server configuration: Dual Core 2.8 2GB…
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What's the best way to block IP spoofing on a layer 3 switch?

We're hosting Dedicated Servers and are currently using old 3com switches with IP-based ACLs. So each port has an ACL that allows all IP addresses assigned to this customer, and blocks everything else. But now 3com was bought by HP, and the…
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Using arpwatch to backtrack proxy access ip to eap-tls certificate

In my network I am using eap-tls authentication (machine certificates) for clients. Those clients are using a squid proxy to access the internet. The proxy is logging the request to the access.log. Now what I want to do is to backtrack from an IP…
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MAC spoofing - keeping the connection alive

Is it possible to keep a connection alive, while spoofing/changing the MAC address of your own network adapter (especially wlan adapter), without needing to re-authenticate against 802.1X RADIUS-server with eap-tls? I need this to secure a network,…
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How to avoid sendmail relay domains spoofing

I have a bunch of domains as relay domains at my sendmail config, i noticed that some dirty botnet is using dns spoof to be able to send emails using those relay domains. How it works: a domain resolves back to, when my server…
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Preventing Email Spoofing

I use Google Apps with my domain. Recently, we have begun to receive spam that gets past Google's spam filters. They are from our own email addresses. I am wondering how to prevent this kind of email spoofing. We use an SPF record with the "~all"…
Donald T
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How to block spoofed mail from *

I'm currently running a centOS server with directadmin and custombuild. I keep getting spoofed phishing mails with spoofed from addresses that have SPF setup properly. Spamassassin gives it a score 1.8, probably because the mail seem legit and other…
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