Questions tagged [smtpd]

63 questions
1 answer

Postfix daemon connects and immediately disconnects periodically

Postfix's smtpd(daemon used to receive mail) flaps/(connects/disconnects) every 30 seconds with the connection from localhost. May 24 17:33:03 ---- postfix/smtpd[8397]: connect from localhost[] May 24 17:33:03 ---- postfix/smtpd[8397]:…
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Postfix do not send emails to googleapps email

I am using postfix on one of the server from where I can't send emails from command line. below is the extract of command postconf -n postconf -n alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases append_dot_mydomain = no biff =…
Shailesh Sutar
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Why am I getting a 'fatal: SASL library initialization'

If I turn on smtp_sasl_auth_enable=yes <- yes I get this set of warnings and a fatal for SASL. I can not see why it's also looking for cyrus - which is not compiled in. postfix/smtp[87056]: warning: unsupported SASL client implementation: cyrus Apr…
Harry McGovern
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Postfix accepts unauthorized requests

Here is an excerpt of my Postfix configuration: broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, reject I now want to test…
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2 answers

Receiving mail in a python process on an aws instance

I'm using a Python smptd server on an AWS instance. It's listening on localhost, port 25. I can send mail to it through a Python smtp client on the same instance. I have an elastic IP associated with the instance. I'm calling that IP address…
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Incoming hotmail connections timing out with TLS enabled

Okay, this has me completely baffled. I have tried many things to fix this but I'm at my wits end. At the start of June, the server which I maintain suddenly decided to stop accepting incoming TLS connections from certain hotmail servers. I thought…
Andrew S
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postfix: smtpd configured to allow mail to/from local domain only?

I have an email server set up for our company's domain. We want to be able to receive our domain-based mail but we would like to be able to send email to ANY domain through the server as well. Using postfix/sasl on a slackware box. Sendmail is not…
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Godaddy virtual dedicated server smtpd load

I am having a problem with the average server load on my godaddy VDS getting as high as 50. The culprit is all the smtpd processes. If I kill postfix the server load will drop down to about 0.7. This server is not an open relay. I added the…
Christian Thamer
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problems with someone trying to get into my server - fail2ban

I know there are many posts on the subject, but I did not find a solution, every time someone tries to enter my server which gives me the following log .. Aug 21 11:37:05 postfix/smtpd[27750]: Anonymous TLS connection established from…
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How to block qmail-smtpd AUTH failed attacks using fail2ban

I need to block a qmail-smtpd AUTH failed, brute force attack in one of my CentOS 7 servers. Here is an example: @4000000062a8757b0681a064 qmail-smtpd[1868]: AUTH failed [62.197.136.xx] Please note, I replaced parts of the IP and…
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Postix to relay SMTP from port 587

I have a debian server with postfix, fail2ban, roundcube, webmin and dovecot installed on it. I have been able to send mails from port 25, but regardless of what I try I can't get it to work from 465 and/or 587 regardless of the method I try. This…
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STMP connection error with roundcube

recently I was trying to install roundcube on my server and everything works fine until smtp test. When I try to connect i always get this error: SMTP send: NOT OK(Connection failed: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen(): unable to connect to…
1 answer

Mail server set up for inbound mail on a subdomain to trigger php script

I'm trying to set my company server up to be able to receive emails to a certain account on a subdomain of our main domain i.e.: Those incoming mailers should trigger a php script that will handle some content…
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My Postfix server can't send emails to cpanels (Where Port 25 not supported)

I'm getting this error to=, relay=serverip:25, delay=16, delays=0.38/0.01/15/0, dsn=4.4.2, status=deferred (conversation with serverip timed out while receiving the initial server greeting) so basically I need to change the…
0 answers

Receive email from a custom smtp server with python

I've set an smtp server with smtpd python module with a ddns and an MX record. Now I want to receive email from account like google, yahoo etc, the email it is sent but it is never received, it seems that the problem is the email never reach the…
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