Questions tagged [seo]

SEO is search engine optimization, altering a web site so as to improve its ranking in search engines.

SEO is search engine optimization, altering a web site so as to improve its ranking in search engines.

94 questions
2 answers

htaccess mod_rewrite for SEO URLs are incorrectly rewriting

What I am attempting to do, is have pretty URLs. I have achieved this for the case where I want the entire string to point to one PHP script. I do not. So, this works: => /index.php?go=login&do=1&msg=2 Using: RewriteEngine…
1 answer

What is difference between ALIAS domain and MASK redirect and CNAME?

Please explain someone to me, what is difference in terminology between ALIAS domain and MASK redirect and CNAME settings? What are they used for, with some examples please. And what are their influence on SEO? I am just confused, are they all the…
1 answer

htaccess without redirect HTTP & HTTPS non-www to HTTPS www

i have SEO problem for http to https and non-www to https://www Please help me how to solve this problem? this is my htaccess code: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} somefolder RewriteRule ^(.*)$…
2 answers

.htaccess file?

Possible Duplicate: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Mod_Rewrite Rules but Were Afraid to Ask? How to create .htaccess file for 301 permanent redirect. I am looking for exact code that we would put in the file. Looking forward to hear…
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