Questions tagged [sendmail]

General purpose email routing software that supports mail transport via TCP/IP using SMTP

sendmail is a popular Unix-based email routing facility that makes use of and supports the transfer and delivery of email via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and many other ways (e.g. UUCP).

sendmail exists both as free and open source software and as a commercial project, called Sendmail.

1322 questions
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sendmail: rewrite envelope info while travelling

I run my own sendmail mail server at my office which has been functioning perfectly for years. I recently noticed that when travelling, my emails to friends are sometimes bounced - often due to the fact that IP address I am using is part of a range…
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Sendmail relay without authentication

I have an issue:when the email is sent from an address other than the authorization is required even if ip is on the same machine. How can I avoid to make request authorization for a given ip ?
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Sendmail still displays through telnet even though I'm using Postfix

I recently installed and configured Postfix, and removed every aspect of Sendmail that I could from my Debian x86 system. telnet localhost 25 ...still returns that I'm using Sendmail. I've uninstalled it, stopped it multiple times, and…
Joey Miller
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Is SPF record valid?

I am getting "softfail error" for the current spf record what should i do? This is the original mail i got from my domain. I added the spf record in my dns. v=spf1 mx ~all Unfortunately I…
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Setting sendmail to send mail for another server

I have a server with CentOS+Plesk+Qmail, I want to set it to send mail trough another server (CentOS+Sendmail). What do I need to set at the second server end in order to accept and deliver email for first server ? The first server is forwarding the…
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sendmail emails are going to spam (not on yahoo!!)

I send confirmation code for users to register on my site, it's going directly to spam on hotmail and gmail, but on yahoo, it's getting to the inbox. the hotmail spam filter sucks so much, i get so many real spam emails in my inbox and i get…
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Setup scalable email server

I spent last week setting up email servers with trying all MTA and I was able to send and receive emails with attachments and do spam filtering. Now my concern is what if I got too many users and too many domains with emails that have attachments.…
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high load on RHEL5 XEN

all I do is sending out bunch of emails and my server's load gets up to 900s, any ideas where to look?
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Sendmail - How to relay / send emails ? (503 error: not authorized, use AUTH)

I have been following a how to for setting up sendmail using a smart host, However I cant seem to successfully send a email from my server to my gmail account. I think I'm misunderstanding some things, Where to go from here ? Do I…
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How to configure sendmail to use different SMTP relay servers

How to configure sendmail to use different SMTP relay servers. For example: For all recipients sendmail should use gmail SMTP server obviously with Gmail smtp auth. For all recipients it should use SMTP with…
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centos 6.4 sendmail SMTP-AUTH not working

I want cinfugiure centos 6.4 server with sendmail and dovecot to SMTP-AUTH , I configure saslauthd and sendmail, but the SMTP-AUTH is not function,actual configuration is [root@server sasl2]# rpm -qa | grep sendmail …
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EL5 /etc/hosts.deny not denying ".top"?

I get spam e-mails from places such as among a LOT of others. I have an appropriate entry in /etc/hosts.deny but it doesn't seem to block anything from the .top domain. See below. Is it wrong? I tried simply ".top"…
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iptables: open port 25 CentOS 7

I have problems opening port 25 for sendmail on my CentOS 7 machine. Here's my iptables configuration: *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p icmp -j…
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How to send massive mail in Window

I'm looking for a solution that can send massive mail in Windows. I'm not spaming. My company want to send mail to our user. I don't want to use third party smtp server(like google mail). Because it'll ask captcha when sending several mail…
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1 answer

Best Practice for Partitioning CentOS as a Mail Server?

I've got 8X HP900GB 6G SAS 10K SFF on a HP ProLiant DL380p , i am trying to find best practice to partition it's disk space for a mail server which will expand , while i've got so much i/o processes like calDav & carDav , Cron Jobs , MySQL…
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