Questions tagged [rhel5]

Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5 is a Linux distribution sold by Red Hat, Inc. for the enterprise market.

379 questions
2 answers

RHEL 5 Mounting RAW devices

I Hope this is a simple question. What is the best practice to mount RAW drives on RHEL 5. I have found a couple of approaches but i'm not sure what the correct one is as i have found references to some being depreciated. As an aside, i would also…
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SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource or Device Busy

Have a Dell PowerEdge 2350 with dual nics built into the motherboard. eth0 works fine. Setting up an IP under eth1 results in the error: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Resource or Device Busy". I have two identical 2350s and get the same error on eth1 for…
a coder
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RHN won't update currently entitled RHEL v5 server

I recently purchased RHEL v6 so I was able to get entitlements on my recently upgraded RHEL v4 machine to v5 (v6 is down the road currently). However, in the web interface I run the updates, it fails as it just shows pending with the stopwatch icon.…
Jon Weinraub
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1 answer

How to include mod_ssl into httpd on rhel5.4

I'm trying to get apache running over https with mod_ssl on a rhel 5.4 x64 machine. I don't have in the modules directory, nor can i find any ssl type output from httpd -M or httpd -l. Yet if i run ldd against it i can see relevant shared…
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"Access denied for user 'root'@'servername' (using password: NO)" - except I AM using a password

This is weird. Our web server is running RHEL 5.5, and has the MySQL client version 5.5.10 installed (just updated from a 5.0 build, which was having the same problem). When I connect to the database server (which is NOT localhost) via "mysql…
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Cannot get xinetd to start on a RHEL server

When I try to execute /etc/init.d/xinetd start I get the following error: Starting xinetd: /bin/bash: /usr/sbin/xinetd: cannot execute binary file [FAILED] Also, if I check the…
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1 answer

Prevent dot-release upgrade of RHEL while still patching flaws

I am running RHEL 5.4, and cannot update to 5.5 or 5.6 because of a restriction by the vendor of a software package I need to run on the server. However, it seems that most of the tools that manage software updates will silently upgrade the system.…
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kernel: audit(1298407016.926:258): avc: denied

My Server is showing following text in its log file. kernel: audit(1298407016.926:258): avc: denied { name_connect } for pid=13945 comm="httpd" dest=21 scontext=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:ftp_port_t:s0…
1 answer

When did Red Hat start shipping PHP 5.3 with 5.x?

Okay this is a PSA more than a question because I know the answer: January 13, 2011. See: Colour me surprised though, didn't hear anything about in the blogosphere until I got a Security Errata…
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3 answers

Red Hat 5.4 slow processing

I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.4 on HP DL580 server with 16 processors and 64 GB of RAM. I'm connecting to the server remotely through SSH. after entering the password, it takes time to return the command line, if I click ctrl+c during this time, I'll…
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2 answers

Xen P2V for large physical hosts with much free space

I need to P2V a rhel5 machine to xen under rhel5. I know I can use dd if=/dev/sda then using virt-install --import on the host, but the downside of this is the original machine has 80% free space on its drive. Does anyone know of (or can document) a…
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1 answer

LikewiseOpen and pam_access

We have a combination of RHEL5 and SLES11 servers that integrate with Active Directory via LikewiseOpen. What I'm wondering is in what place should I put the pam rule to allow pam_access to be correctly used as part of the authentication of users.
Matt Delves
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1 answer

Clean installation of RHEL 5.5 claims package "desktops" is missing

I'm a student worker in the CS department of my university, so please forgive me for any unprofessional descriptions. Simplified explanations are appreciated. I recently replaced some bad graphics cards in a few public workstations. The machines are…
3 answers

NIC reordering on RHEL5/CentOS 5

I have an HP ProLiant DL360 G6 containing two onboard NICs as well as an HP NC375T (NetXen NX3031 chipset) 4-port PCIe card. The system was running with eth0 and eth1 belonging to the onboard NICs and eth2-eth5 on the NetXen card. I recently rebuilt…
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1 answer

SATA drive not recognized when installing RHEL 5.1 on PowerEdge R410

Here's my setup: Dell R410 with Perc S100 (software) raid controller on an Intel ICH10R chipset The first problem is that the Perc S100 is only supported on windows. I'm trying to install RHEL 5.1. It boots from the cdrom, but later the installer…
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