Questions tagged [replica-set]

20 questions
2 answers

MongoDB automatic failover between 2 data centers

If I deploy a MongoDb replica set across only 2 data centers, if one entire data center fails, can there be automatic failover to the other data center? Consider the situation where 1 data center has a primary, secondary and an arbiter, and the…
Andy Cohen
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2 answers

How to control databases replicated by Mongo DB replica set

I have 2 databases in my mongo DB namespace, lets name them db1, db2 and db3 which are on the same dbpath. Is it possible to configure mongo db replica set in that way that db3 wont be replicated across secondaries? If yes, how?
1 answer

MongoDB Replica Set, initiate() need to login error

I am trying to setup a replica set, but when I issue: rs.initiate() On the first server, I get the following error: { "errmsg" : "need to login", "ok" : 0 } That is strange though, because in my configuration auth: true is commented out. Any…
  • 5,008
  • 19
  • 58
  • 82
1 answer

MongoDB foreground index build blocks secondary reads for all databases

Today one of the users of our MongoDB 3.0.12 sharded cluster has (wrongly) issued a foreground index build on its own database (pride_archive_ms), after the operation completed on the primary member of each replica set (shard), it got replicated to…
1 answer

mongod rs.initiate() error msg

I am a newbie so please bear with me. I have used this command $ sudo mongod --config /etc/mongod2.confin terminal to start a mongodb service instance. In another terminal I ran $ mongo --port XXXX where XXXX is the port number I configure in…