Questions tagged [rename]

118 questions
0 answers

Cannot rename new folders in a server folder

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 - Windows 7 SP1 - Folder located on server, normally accessed via drive letter There is one folder on the network where all users have modify rights. Suddenly people are not able to rename folders anymore. They can create…
Erwin Blonk
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6 answers

How can a rename a share on Windows Server 2003?

We would like to rename a share - not the folder, just the name of the Share itself - on a Windows 2003 Server. If I right-click on the folder name and go to the properties dialog, I can see the share name, but it's there as a dropdown list, not an…
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1 answer

Incomplete netdom computername /add: on 2008 DC

Have been following a technet article on how to rename Server 2008 DCs following a change of our disaster recovery site. All went well on the first DC I tried and the new name is showing up. I ran the following command on the final DC: netdom…
1 answer

Batch rename files using PowerShell or other

I have a folder of images taken on two different mobile phones. The two phones use slightly different file name formats. I want to change one of them to match the other so I have a neat photo album. How can I change a file name from…
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php scripts run only after renaming

That's really strange :So after i upload a folder with php files on another service,and try to execute them from a browser,i get 500 error.If i open a file in a text editor,save it with different name like file1.php,then erase the original,and…
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renaming hard drives (sdc to sdb) on the fly

ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0) kernel: [2761026.198796] ata2: soft resetting link kernel: [2761031.226669] ata2.00: disabled kernel: [2761031.226720] ata2: EH complete kernel: [2761031.226753] sd 1:0:0:0: [sdb] Result:…
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3 answers

Renaming a Domain Controller

how can i rename a domain controller in windows server 2003?
3 answers

Recursively rename files using find and sed

I want to go through a bunch of directories and rename all files that end in _test.rb to end in _spec.rb instead. It's something I've never quite figured out how to do with bash so this time I thought I'd put some effort in to get it nailed. I've so…
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Server 2003 won't let me rename the computer

I've got a windows server 2003 (standard edition) partition running as a non-domain computer. I attempt to rename the computer and update the description using the My Computer -> Properties window, but after restarting the machine, a weird looking…
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Local references to old server name remain after Windows 2003 server rename

I have a standalone Win 2003 server with Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS3) running on it. I had to rename the server and I had bunch of problems resulting from this. Note that the server is not in AD environment. I fixed the problems with…
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2 answers

Batch renaming 32000 files - splitting into multiple subdirectories

I've got a web server which has files uploaded to it. There is a script which assigns them numeric IDs and stores them in a corresponding subdirectory. I've now got 32000 of these uploads and that's too many for the server to handle in one…
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3 answers

Rename/Move file only if destination does not exist

I would like to know if there is any way a file can be moved only if the destination does not exist - in other words, move only if it does not lead to overwriting. mv --update seemed first to be the solution, however, if the timestamp of the source…
6 answers

Linux renaming files to add _00 after filename before extension

What am I missing here, this seems so simple yet I cant get it to work. I have a directory with files like AGPNDRAH01.jpg I want a directory with files like AGPNDRAH01_00.jpg rename 's/(\w+).jpg\$1\_00.jpg$//' * Doesnt, work. Centos linux. Makes…
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1 answer

Modify Multiple Files Names with PowerShell in same directory

I'm a complete noob when it comes to powershell but I've been struggling with this one all day and not sure why. Each day, I will have a set of files in a directory. The files will be different names and different extesions so they are all unique.…
3 answers

Negative aspects of hiding file extensions in Windows

At my company we work with a lot PDF files. We rename them often; hundreds of pdf files a week and almost all of them have to be renamed. I have always configured windows to show file extensions. However with Windows XP, pressing F2 to rename a file…
David Steven
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