Questions tagged [ptr-record]

PTR is a type of record in DNS system used for reverse DNS lookups (IP address to hostname)

IPv4 reverse resolution

Reverse DNS lookups for IPv4 addresses use a reverse IN-ADDR entry in the special domain In this domain, an IPv4 address is represented as a concatenated sequence of four decimal numbers, separated by dots, to which is appended the second level domain suffix The four decimal numbers are obtained by splitting the 32-bit IPv4 address into four 8-bit portions and converting each 8-bit portion into a decimal number. These decimal numbers are then concatenated in the order: least significant 8-bit portion first (leftmost), most significant 8-bit portion last (rightmost). It is important to note that this is the reverse order to the usual dotted-decimal convention for writing IPv4 addresses in textual form. For example, an address (A) record for points to the IP address In pointer records of the reverse database, this IP address is stored as the domain name pointing back to its designated host name This allows it to pass the Forward Confirmed reverse DNS process.

IPv6 reverse resolution

Reverse DNS lookups for IPv6 addresses use the special domain An IPv6 address appears as a name in this domain as a sequence of nibbles in reverse order, represented as hexadecimal digits as subdomains. For example, the pointer domain name corresponding to the IPv6 address 2001:db8::567:89ab is

188 questions
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PTR recored Issue

We have 2 Mail servers ( Internal and External) the External is hosted by ISPA with ip address of, we use to have the internet from the same ISPA, and the PTR record is already setup. We changed the ISP to ISPB with subnet of…
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Reverse DNS PTR record

I have a dedicated server (Ubuntu 18.04 with virtualmin & webmin) which is hosting 7 WordPress sites on it. I have set up MX, DMARC, SPF and DKIM records for each one of them but dns tests online kept mentioning that I need to set up PTR records for…
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MX record in a reverse zone

I am taking a DNS course on Linux Academy. In one of the lab, they define a reverse zone. In this zone they add MXs records. Does it make sense to have MX record defined in a reverse zone? Details: For this they do vim /etc/named.conf zone…
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| rDNS | IP gets resolved with a wrong hostname

I've been trying to set up rDNS so my IP could get resolved to my hostname in a program which has a built in rDNS lookup feature. I had done everything I was suggested (ask my ISP to make a PTR record for me, set up A & SRV records at my…
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Unknown PTR record in DNS; it’s not there in Cloudflare DNS Settings

(1.) There is an extra, unwanted, unexpected, unadded PTR record in my DNS settings, with value set to the Domain Name "". You can see it here in MxToolbox Reverse Lookup: MxToolbox shows unwanted PTR TXT record (2.) cPanel also notices…
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new email send to never deliver but reply on email does

I dont know where i could start. There is the probleme. If someone send me an email from, i received the email. If i reply, he will received my email. If i write a new email and send it to the same addresse, the email will never…
Cédric Boivin
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How to allow rDNS(PTR) record to point a specific domain?

Maybe it sounds too complicated, but I will do my best to explain. The problem is the following: some domain is pointing my servers IP address. How can I block that rDNS (PTR) record, so I can attach my domain to IP? Ive already blocked that domain…
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PTR Record for Mail Server

Our email server is setup for Domain POP/ Mail Bagging with our ISP for receiving only. Our MX Record resolves to our ISP mail host address. We have 2 IP addresses (redundancy purpose), 1 from our mail hosting ISP(ISP1) and the other from a…
Jay R
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What is the safe as AAAA record

What is safe for AAAA record. Short or full format? I set this e.g.: 4a01:20:18:0:5:8:8:30 This is IP from mail server. But when smtp sending email out i see problems in logs. Gmail return email as spam and another server say that I have bad PTR. …
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hotmail doesn't accept my emails

I have installed and configure postfix as a mail server in ubuntu 12.04. I can send emails to gmail with no problem but I can't send them to hotmail when i enter in putty dig i got this: ; <<>> DiG 9.8.1-P1 <<>>…
Arh Hokagi
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does ping command to a dns name uses DNS PTR type messages?

Okay I cant understand this, when I try to ping to a machine on my network using the name associated I get a response from that machine, thats normal.. But there are messages that the sender sends to the top machine (SOA) that I dont…
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ptr-record in Bind9

I have att small business internet and trying to avoid paying them 50 bucks to make ptr-records as I need them. I am pretty sure this is corrrect, though it seems like they might have a block or some sort of override. Though I might just be…
2 answers

Setting up email server SPF without access to IP PTR

What is or is there a proper way to set up SPF without setting the IP's PTR? because I don't have access and want to know if there's an alternative method
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How to create RDNS (Reverse DNS)

How to create a RDNS (Reverse DNS) in centos or Ubuntu [PTR record] I searched a lot in Internet and didn't find any solutions. I got a idea it can be done by BIND or BIND9. In some forum i seen some peoples wrote "RDNS cannot created by user, it…
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Can I setup the PTR records of reverse DNS with different IPs?

I am very new into the Linux world. I'm trying to configure 3 Authoritative-Only DNS servers. I got everything set up, except for the zone of I have the following servers with the respective public IP (I'm using random numbers): www -…
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