Questions tagged [proxmox]

Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE for short) is an Open Source Server Virtualization Platform, based on Debian, KVM and (LXC for v4 and above, OpenVZ for versions <4.0)

Proxmox VE is a complete open source virtualization management solution for servers. It is based on KVM virtualization and container-based virtualization and manages virtual machines, storage, virtualized networks, and HA Clustering.

458 questions
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NUT slave powering off when master reboots

I have a homelab with the following setup: NAS (QNAP TS-453D) <─usb─ UPS (CyberPower VP1000ELCD) | ethernet └> Proxmox Server The NAS is the UPS master, configured to poweroff after 5 minutes the AC fails. NAS ups…
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How can I create virtual machine accessible on local network through web browser?

I would like to create vm (graphical and not graphical) on an existing ubuntu laptop, and I would like to access this VM through the local network (web browser for example) This is something like proxmox, but proxmox is an OS, and I don't want to…
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Best Free Hypervisor with HA

We have been running the free version of Citrix XenServer for about 2 years now and it has worked OK for the most part, but we have also had our issues with it. (problems with bootloaders on various guest OS, bugs with VDIs) and most of all, we have…
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How to update NTP-deamon on a Debian Squeeze (Proxmox 2.x)?

Because of security issue in NTP (CVE-2014-9295) I need to update NTP-deamon on a Debian Squeeze (it is the Proxmox 2.x installation). The problem is that it is a productional system and I can not test the update commands on a test system. So, I…
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2 answers

Generate ISO from installed system

As part of my infrastructure I have many Virtual Machines running different Linux distros, under Proxmox using OpenVz. My problem is that I need to export into a personalized installable ISOs some of the VMs I have, (installable snapshots of the…
1 answer

Home Lab Routing Not Working

Just to give a quick backstory of my issue, I will try to explain it the best I can. I have set up a home server running Proxmox (I would have used ESXi, however 6.7 and 7 are not compatible with my CPU as it is an old desktop machine) The server is…
5 answers

Can't telnet a server from vps

i try to understand why i can't telnet this server from any of my VPSs. Well this ip is for a mail server i don't own but our emails are not received by this server. when i checked the log i saw this error: 554 5.7.1 You are not…
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2 answers

Encryption at rest for VM storage in a hypervisor done properly/elegantly

Given a very simple infrastructure - a single machine running a hypervisor(Proxmox if it matters), I want to achieve a good data protection against the hardware being stolen. Let's say there are various VM's running on the hypervisor - most of those…
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