Questions tagged [pptp]

Point-To-Point Tunnelling Protocol is an insecure, obsolete networking protocol which exposes a layer 2 tunnel. It uses a TCP connection for control communications and a GRE tunnel for the actual data. It was historically used to create VPNs.

340 questions
1 answer

Iptables block access to IP for VPN clients

I want to block access to certain websites/IP's for all clients connected to VPN (pptpd or OpenVPN). This rule: iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -d IP_address -j REJECT is working only locally. Server (ping test) can't…
Jakub Wolski
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1 answer

PPTP VPN connects but does not have access to network resources

I have a Windows server 2012 R2 which is connected to a router which is connected to modem. The server is also a domain controller and DNS server with the static ip address Routing and Remote Access is set up on the server and VPN…
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Site-to-site VPN with local internet gateways on Mikrotik

We have a corporate network in office 1 with Forefront TMG as a gateway. Internal office 1 network IP range is We have a branch office 2 with Mikrotik router (you can think of it as iptables powered Linux firewall if you are not…
Maxim V. Pavlov
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2 answers

PPTP Passthrough Centos 7/Firewalld router to Windows Server

I have a Centos 7 server running firewalld to allow public services to access internal services on a separate VLAN (dual NICs). I imported a Windows VM but I do not know what rules I need to put in place to allow GRE through firewalld, other than…
Sam Alsalem
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1 answer

cant connect to pptpd vpn

I am using Centos 7 with firewalld enabled on my server and currently i am not able to connect to my pptpd vpn Logs Dec 26 23:34:39 pptpd[28944]: CTRL: Client control connection started Dec 26 23:34:39 pptpd[28944]: CTRL: Starting…
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1 answer

FreeRadius authentication issue

Having an odd issue with pptp and freeradiuss on CentOS 6.4 VPSs. I have 1 VPS as the main freeradius server. 2 other VPS are used to connect to via pptp using the remote freeradius to authenticate. 1 VPS is working fine, but the other one is giving…
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1 answer

Can't connect to mt PPTP VPN server

I was following this tutorial to configure a pptp connection between my centos 6 VPS and my fedora 22 workstation. There's only one thing I did different from that tutorial: I installed pptpd from the epel repository instead of the link provided. I…
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Cannot access Apache2 intranet site via VPN (can access other local resources)

I'm having some problems accessing my Apache2 intranet site when connected to my network's VPN server. My setup/environment: ASUS RT-66U router with PPTP VPN server. Debian server with apache 2.2 as "intranet server". LAN addresses are in the…
Frank H.
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0 answers

VPN Clients not able to resolve DNS

I'm having trouble getting VPN clients to see other machines via hostname. IP addresses work fine, though this leads some systems to not working correctly. I'm running Windows Server 2012 AD environment with a Netgear Prosafe router handling WAN in…
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1 answer

iPhone -> Linux PPTP

I have set up a PPTP tunnel on my linux box (LAN is 192.168.1/24) PPTP settings are: Local/Remote / I can connect to the server with an iphone and can access ip addresses on the lan, but cannot connect to…
2 answers

PPTP: Enable ppp0 interface at boot?

tl;dr Can I ensure the PPTP ppp0 interface is always available, so that nginx and other services can bind to its IP address? I have an nginx server on Ubuntu 12.04 hosting a handful of public sites. This box also acts as a PPTP VPN, with the…
1 answer

No gateway / internet connection with both OpenVPN an PPTPD on Debian Server

I tried setting up a VPN on my Debian 8.2 Server using OpenVPN which was working fine. After a few days I was not getting any internet connection anylonger using OpenVPN and I saw using ipconfig /all (Windows Client) that no gateway was assigned…
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1 answer

iptables route PPTP VPN through polipo http proxy

I want to route http traffic of my local pptp server to use Polipo http_proxy. So i found this QA : IPTABLES: routing VPN users through transparent Squid but i test on my system & change iptables rule from 3128 to 8123 like this : iptables -t nat -A…
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Server 2012 R2 RRAS Inbound/Outbound Static Filters Not Working

I recently spun up a new Server 2012 R2 VM to use as a PPTP VPN server. The machine is fully patched, and has only the Remote Access role installed. Per standard configuration, the machine has two NICs (the first intended for internal traffic, and…
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0 answers

why ssh not route outgoing packages (pptp)?

I have VPS #1 that pptpd and sshuttle installed on it and VPS #2 that have ssh access to it I need to rout trafic from VPS#1 to VPS#2 (by tunnel because pptp not available to vps#2) for users that use pptp to connect to VPS#1 , I use sshuttle for…