Questions tagged [pdo]

PHP Data Objects (PDO) defines a lightweight and consistent interface for accessing databases.

PHP Data Objects (PDO) defines a lightweight and consistent interface for accessing databases.

Official manual

79 questions
1 answer

Apache is getting SUSPENDED in MSSQL by another process when doing more than 5-6 queries via PHP PDO resulting in timeout

I will try to be as detailed as possible. Up until now I was only using Stack Overflow and other sites like this but never posting. I was always able to find the answer to my question. But not this time. I have a Mu Online game server setup and…
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Yet another PDO could not find driver issue

I've been working for the last two nights to set up my own LEMP server on Amazon ec2. I'm not a server expert so it's been slow going, and the latest error "could not find driver" is given when attempting to create the new PDO object. I've read what…
Mike Willis
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0 answers

Fedora26 PHP 7.1.10 PDO_SQLITE Startup Warning: Unable to load dynamic library

php -v responds with : PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64 /php/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/modules/ undefined symbol: sqlite3_column_table_name in Unknown on line 0 PHP 7.1.10 (cli)…
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1 answer

PHP PDO oci extension stopped loading

After going through our most recent deployment, pdo_oci stopped loading up with the rest of the php PDO extensions... None of the apache (except for hostname) and php configurations were changed in this deployment. This was the error I was seeing in…
1 answer

Let php PDO work with newest version of PostgreSQL (Debian/Ubuntu)

I installed PostgreSQL and the php PDO driver on my 14.04 Ubuntu like this: sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib sudo apt-get install php5-pgsql Which installed PostgreSQL 9.3 and worked fine, but now I want to run 9.5. So I updated…
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unable to find driver - lamp debian

This is my php sample script: getMessage(); } ?> And I have returned: could not find driver Also: user@nbook:~$ …
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Upgrade SQLite Library for php 5.4

My php version is 5.4 This is what I get in phpinfo pdo_sqlite PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x enabled SQLite Library 3.6.20 I really need to update this driver. On PHP 5.3 you could do this with commands like yum install php5-sqlite, but now it…
1 answer

PDO to AWS RDS Connection Issue

We have a website written in PHP hosted on AWS EC2 instance, talking to AWS RDS database. When high traffic on the site, some users are experiencing 503 error on pages and we can see these errors on our Apache log: Uncaught Exception: Uncaught…
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1 answer

Periodically run an MS SQL query on multiple sites

I have been tasked with pushing Google Analytics data periodically to SQL Server 2005 running on a different server from various websites (about 450 of them) grouped on various servers. I understand I can run PDO queries with PHP to write to the SQL…
1 answer

Unbuntu 14.04 + Nginx + PHP5-FPM + sqlite3 : pdo sqlite could not find driver

phpinfo() says I have SQLite 3.x driver for PDO. php.ini only mentions sqlite like so: [sqlite] ; ;sqlite.assoc_case = 0 [sqlite3] ;sqlite3.extension_dir = I tried running sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite3 and it…
Rayhan Muktader
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1 answer

Red Hat 6 connect to MS SQL server 2005 using freetds; pdo_dblib and php

I'm having a problem connecting to my Microsoft SQL Server 2005 from a Red Hat box using freetds. My end goal is to be able to connect using php's PDO, but I don't appear to be able to connect when testing using "tsql". I don't think it is a…
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1 answer

How to install new PDO driver to existing LAMP install

How do I install a new PDO driver to an existing LAMP installation? I am using Amazon Linux (on AWS EC2), and have installed PHP 5.5 and MySql from the Amazon repositories. When I look at phpinfo I can see that PDO is successfully installed, along…
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Error installing php-mysqlnd

I've been trying to install phpmysqlnd, but I'm not sure what's going wrong. This is on a CentOS system. I run the commands: yum remove php-mysql yum install php-mysqlnd The first one is a success, but the second errors out, saying: Error:…
Zero Wing
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1 answer

Activating Informix variables on Apache2/Debian

I'm working on adding PDO for Informix on my Debian server. I have a strong set of instructions from a gentleman who has set this up to run on suse, I'm trying to figure out how to add these variables to apache2 on debian. For example, the…
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1 answer

Enabling PDO for CLI in vagrant box precise64 (Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS)

I have vagrant box (precise64) utilizing Ubuntu server 12.04. I have installed manually (no use of LAMP) on the server the following: MySql server / MySql client - Server version: 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu) PHP5 - PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6 with…
Shahar Galukman
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