Questions tagged [password-protected]

33 questions
1 answer

Server has phpmyadmin setup, but does not require a password to access

Our company has recently taken over a website job. The site is riddled with security holes that I'm painstakingly patching. One of the issues is that the previous developer set up phpMyAdmin but did not require a password to access it. I have…
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1 answer

ssh key unlock password some hosts some not

I'm having some issues which i can't figure out, i guess it's a noob question but its giving me a hard time. I have multiple servers, you can only connect via SSH with a key. They all have the same key of my client. If i connect to server A it…
2 answers

password protect my website with IIS7

i have a website with c# deployed on a windows server 2008 and IIS7 now it is accessible to everyone, but i need to passsword protect it (like with .htaccess) for now i only managed to deny any access to it ! via disabling anonymous…
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