Questions tagged [ovh]

Questions about dedicated server, cloud, and VPS services provided by OVH. Other OVH services might not be on topic at Server Fault.

111 questions
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Setting default valid_lft and preferred_lft values with Netplan on Unbutu 20.04

What's the impact, if any, on having values greater than zero/forever for valid_lft and preferred_lft? Should I worry about this, and if so, how to set it automatically to forever at boot time (preferably using Netplan)? root:~# ip a 2: ens3:…
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Unable to configure IPv6 correctly in Ubuntu 18.04

I have a cloud instance on OVH which is accessible over IPv4 but not IPv6. It's running Ubuntu 18.04. I've found conflicting advice about using netplan vs configuring systemd-networkd directly, but all of the things I've tried don't seem to have any…
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Emails go to spam from server A, but form server B not (same configuration)

I have puzzle with my So You Start servers from OVH - from server A my mails go to google spam folder, but from server B it is ok. I'm not sure that it is problem with SOS servers or some IP addresses. I checked every IP address with blacklist - not…
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msmtp and OVH mail

I'd like to send a mail when a user authenticates on a Debian 9 server. I use OVH mail server. I've set up msmtp like so : account myaccount tls_starttls off logfile ~/.msmtp.log host port 465 from auth on user…
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Running multiple instances of same springboot application

I've a spring-boot application which i want to deploy on OVH public cloud. I need t achieve the goal of deploying multiple instances of the same application, and each instance has to have its own resources (such as MySQL database). Each instance has…
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Create a subdomain.domain.example and make a redirection of an IP:PORT to this subdomain

I'm working on a solution with an offshore team and I want to create my server on European union for GDPR requirements. I want to create a subdomain.domain.example on my OVH control panel and make a redirection of a given IP4:PORT (IP4 is provided…
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ssh connection refused Ubuntu 18.04 - Proxmox and OVH -

I can connect to my server from my computer by ssh. I have internet connection. Everything works perfectly, but I can't connect to my server by ssh. please check the screenshot for more information. ip a systemsctl status ssh.service
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I can't connect to my vpn unless I connect to my server just before (OpenVPN)

so I have successfully set up OpenVPN Servers on a VPS or dedicated server before, but whenever I set one up on a Server that has OVH GAME DDoS protection, it wont work properly. So here is my procedure and where the issue comes in: I install…
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SSD cloud hosting showing rotating disk device

I have some application hosted on OVH public cloud supposed to be run on a SSD drive. When I'm connected on the instance through a terminal, cat /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational outputs 1, meaning that the device under /dev/sda/ is not of type SSD…
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creating a partition makes the server unbootable

I have a server that comes with a softRaid of 2x450gb nvme disks. Since all my data is backupped, I don't need the raid and I want to use the full space instead. From the hosting (OVH) control panel I selected to format only one disk, and what I…
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Proxmox LXC networking

We have 5 physical machines hosted at OVH. Each of them have Proxmox 5.2-10 installed Machines are inside of OVH vRack. we have separate LXC for database, separate LXC with loadbalancer and several separate instances with our web application stack…
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No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

I forgot that I wasn’t using SSH Key for that particular VPS and mistakenly added the following line in my VPS sshd_config: “PasswordAuthentication no” And restarted the server through command. Now, I’m unable to login to my OVH VPS as it displays:…
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OpenVPN stopped loading sites in Tunisia

I have had an OpenVPN setup for a few years now. I've got three computers around the world connected to a central server (OVH France), and I've been using this to talk between them and route all internet traffic with only minor issues for all of…
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VPS in OVH doesn't boot (stuck on SYSLINUX)

I have a VPS in OVH. I think maybe they have updated the kernel and now my server is not going up. I have entered in KVM and I see the system stuck with the message: Booting from Hard Disk... MBR SYSLINUX 6.03 EDD 20150107 Copyright (C) 1994-2014…
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KVM guest not reaching externally (OVH, failover IPs)

Both host and guest are running Fedora 26 server edition. Host is from OVH, guest is ISO from Fedora directly. I've trimmed anything regarding TXRX and loopbacks for the sake of brevity. Main IP a.a.a.17 Main IP Gateway a.a.a.254 Failover IP…