Questions tagged [outlook]

Outlook is a standalone or groupware client for Microsoft Exchange. It is used for Email, contacts, tasks and calendar.

1056 questions
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Exchange 2010 and Delegate Oddity

I've tested and reproduced a problem that goes like this: Jo is a delegate for Steve. When Steve gets an invite, Jo receives a copy and accepts (or declines). Jo cannot accept or decline on her Mac using Outlook 2011. (HTTP error: -18500 "The…
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How can I determine existing e-mail forwardings?

Of the users in our company's AD, those that have Outlook frequently use it to set up "out of office" notices and mail forwarding to colleagues. Sometimes they forget to set those up before leaving for their holidays, in which case I set it up using…
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Inbox not updating in Exchange 2010, all users affected

I'm battling against this darn issue this morning. We have the following setup: Big Hyper-V machine hosting the servers as VM's VM for CAS: WEB.XXX.local VM for Mailbox: EXC.XXX.local Servers are running Server 2008 R2 with Exchange 2010 SP1 Clients…
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Local mail archiving in Outlook but only on one machine per user

We're looking at implementing local mail archiving for Outlook 2007 the organisation that I work in. Our initial plan was to roll out a group policy to archive mail to the C: drive. This would work fine for most users but for users that use Outlook…
James C
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Get local copies of IMAP email into a new IMAP account

Due to some major balls up, I have lost IMAP accounts during a domain transfer. Users still have 'cached' copies in their mail clients (Outlook 2007/2010/express). I know that if I recreate the mailboxes on the new server, they'll lose the emails…
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Appointments don't show up in outlook calendar

One of my users is having an issue with appointments in a resource mailbox pop-up that he didn't create. It wouldn't normally be a problem (just delete them, since it's actually an mailbox the previous holder of the position used as well). However,…
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OWA draft folder doesn't sync up wint Outlook 2007 (when using Citrix)

I have a user logging in to Citrix Server (on Windows 2003) to use Outlook 2007. In OWA, he sees all his drafts in Draft Folder and can easily access them, but when he is Citrix, he can see the folder, but not the messages. I had him check Normal…
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Checking who has additional mailboxes added to outlook

In outlook when you add an additional mailbox is there a way for you to see if someone else has added your mailbox to their outlook to view your emails? I have a feeling someone has my mailbox added to their outlook as my emails will sometimes go…
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Email from "Drafts" being delivered blank

We're having several problems when users send email from the "Drafts" in Outlook 2010. For example: when an email is saved in the Drafts folder one day and sent on another day, the delivered email has a blank body. When they look in Sent Items, the…
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Unable to read file with permissions of 777

I have a file which was saved to a CIFS share from Outlook. The file permissions are 777, so I should be able to read the file from the Linux host the file goes to. However when I try, I get file permission errors (unable to read the file). If I…
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2 answers

Error encountered attempting to update a categorized view

We have Exchange 2010 SP2. We encountered several errors in application event log with event ID 1243: Error encountered attempting to update a categorized view to reflect an operation on a message. Database: DB1 Folder: ??? MsgHeader ID:…
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Exchange: give access to a mailbox, but disallow moving/deleting folders

Using exchange is it possible to give a user access to a mailbox so that they can move and delete mails but not move and delete folders? A solution that requires a change to every folder in the account is fine as there are only a few dozen and they…
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Change global address list fields

In Outlook Global address lists, there are fields at the top. Name Title etc. I would like to change and remove some of these fields, but I cannot find how to do this. We are running Exchange 2010, Active directory on 2008 R2. I would like to…
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Sending same email through two different accounts on different domains using Outlook 2010

I am a programmer and don't have experience in Outlook configurations. Our company has two email domains namely and Each employee has an email id on one of these domains but not both depending on the project they are working on.…
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SBS2008 (Outlook/Exchange) How to change permission on public folder calendar

A user in my office created a shared calendar on our public folder in outlook, they have set everyone up as an author but I need to add another user as author and they are out of the office for four weeks. For security reasons, I cannot get the…
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