Questions tagged [opengl]

20 questions
2 answers

Hardware, network infrastructure for runnng gaming server nd on VirtualGL

Foud nice project VirtualGL ( Tried to run 3D fames (EVE Online, Prototype) on server and display the output on thin client using 100Mbps network. Server: Gentoo Linux on AMD Phoenom II x6 3.4Gz, 8GB RAM, 2x NVIDIA 9800…
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1 answer

Running openGL program using WAMP

I have a C++ binary compiled using VC++2008, this code uses my GPU (NVIDIA GT 8600) for some calculations. The program first checks for the graphics card vendor using the glGetString(GPU_VENDOR) function in openGL. When I run this program from the…
2 answers

7.0.1 and Photoshop openGL requirements

I'm running Workstation 7.0.1 on a 64-bit Linux host, with a Vista guest, and the Aero theme works a treat - full marks for getting that working! However, when running Photoshop there are some operations (like interactive image rotation) that seem…
1 answer

How to install OpenGL on Amazon Linux 2 AMI t2.small type?

I need to install Grass GIS on my Amazon Linux 2 AMI instance which is of type t2.small During the configuration of Grass GIS it stopped with checking for GL/gl.h... no configure: error: *** Unable to locate OpenGL includes. To install OpenGL…
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2 answers

Why cron job is not able to open X display connection

I have a java app rendering some sprites using LWJGL and OpenGL. It works fine until I move it to remote virtual machine with no phisical graphic card, Mesa 3d with related stuff is used to emulate it there. When I connect via ssh and start job…
Viktor Stolbin
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