Questions tagged [opendkim]

Open source implementation of the DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail). The capabilities include signing and verifying DKIM signature of the email.

OpenDKIM is an open source implementation of the (Domain Keys Identified Mail) sender authentication system standardized by the IETF (RFC6376). The project started from a code fork of version 2.8.3 of the open source dkim-milter package,

OpenDKIM capabilities was including signing and verifying DKIM signature of the email. The package consists of a library that implements the DKIM service and a milter-based filter application that can plug in to any milter-aware MTA such as and .

The documentation of command line options can be found in this page.
The documentation of opendkim.conf configuration file can be found in this page.

154 questions
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Valid DKIM signature ramdomly fails to validate

The scenario: I have a couple email servers running on Debian behind a firewall, a public IP and I have properly setup my DNS records (MCX, DMARC, DKIM, SPF). This is an example of my DNS records (output by dig…
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opendkim-testkey returns "invalid data set type", while if I specify domain and selector I got "Key OK"

I'm having the problem that opendkim testkey returns error "invalid data set type" unless I pass the domain and the selector to the command. Why does it happen? Details below: Without domain and selector: root@condor1796 /etc/opendkim # sudo -u…
Mladen Adamovic
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2 answers

Milter (opendkim): error connecting to filter: Connection refused by localhost

I'm on Ubuntu 16 LTS, trying to sign mail with opendkim and I'm getting: $ tail /var/log/mail.err ... Milter (opendkim): error connecting to filter: Connection refused by localhost I have sendmail configured with: INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`opendkim',…
Jeff Kaufman
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2 answers

OpenDKIM errors

When sending mail, Outlook errors 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later. I have installed postfix, dovecot and openDKIM, but OpenDKIM is giving me errors: Mar 30 10:19:32 x opendkim[16762]: can't load key from /etc/ssl/private/…
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Postfix not communicating with opendkim

I want to setup automatic signing with DKIM for all outgoing emails. This ir virtual private server and hosts a single website. I have tried lots of tutorials on how to implement dkim email signing, but when i send email, anything related to dkim…
Deniss Kozlovs
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1024 or 2048 bit keys for DKIM?

Referencing this: What I get from this is (at the time) DNS providers (usually) allow for up to 1024 bit keys but not 2048 bit. Now, my provider does let me use 2048 and…
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How to validate opendkim generated RSA keys

I'm trying to diagnose OpenDKIM validation errors (see this question). Way down in the belly of the beast, I'm at the point where I'm trying to make sure the keys generated are actually correct. I'm generating my keys with opendkim-genkey -r -d…
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OpenDKIM ignoring hostnames and domains in trusted hosts file

According to, the ExternalIgnoredHosts and InternalHosts options support the same format as the PeerList option as follows: The set should contain on each line a hostname, domain name (e.g. ""),…
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OpenDKIM query timed out (even with opendkim-testkey and Nameservers set)

I try to set up a mail server on Debian with opendkim and opendmarc When I receive an email, SpamAssassin refuse it because opendkim can't do the DNS query I tested with opendkim-testkey command, the DNS query is timed out : $ opendkim-testkey -s…
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OpenDKIM generates 2 keys

I've followed instructions to set up spf and DKIM on my mailing server. SPF is working fine so far, however I am having problem with DKIM. In every single instruction website, they show the output after generating the key would be a single key.…
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OpenDKIM / Postfix sign console-sent mail, but not from a mail client / SMTP

I have Postfix running on a Debian 9 machine, and installed opendkim (both from the Debian repositories). The milter socket/connection is inet:localhost:8892, and the iptables firewall allows that connection (a telnet localhost 8892…
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can I use multiple selectors for opendkim?

I have 4 domains hosted on a single server. Should I use 4 separate dkim keys or one for all of them? Also as far as selectors go do I need to use the one specified in opendkim.conf or can/should I create a new one per each domain with new key?
1 answer

postfix relay with opendkim

i'm using opendkim + postfix as a MTA for my website , everything is working: mail are signed by DKIM , gmail mark them as "pass" the issue is when i'm using this config as a relay from another vm ( via ssmtp ): As a relay, mails are sent…
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3 answers

OpenDKIM permission denied

I have installed opendkim on CentOS 6 and set the TemporaryDirectory to /var/tmp in the opendkim.conf configuration file. After restarting the service and trying to send an email I get an error in the postfix log that reads opendkim[27392]:…
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1 answer

DKIM - Single host - Multiple IPs

Trying to figure out the best practice for implementing DKIM on a single EC2 which will have multiple, elastic IPS. # /etc/opendkim.conf ... Mode sv Canonicalization relaxed/simple ExternalIgnoreList …
Mike Purcell
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