Questions tagged [nss]

Name Service Switch, an modular interface built in to the GNU C library that handles data retrieval from system databases, e.g., password, group, etc.

76 questions
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NSS query against OpenLDAP server using GSSAPI with proxy authorization

SASL/GSSAPI needs Kerberos authentication against the LDAP server with proxy authorization if using LDAP authentication with nss-pam-ldapd on a Debian Buster operating system. I try to configure this on my Raspberry Pis to have single sign on but…
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Logins doesn't work with PAM/NSS

I have a computer room that uses libpam-pgsql and libnss-pgsql2 for users authentication. Right now, the system is working perfectly with Debian 8 clients. I want to upgrade and I am trying to setup Debian 10 clients to work with the same setup, but…
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configure nsscache with samba4 active directory

I have a problem caching the users from samba4 AD with nsscache, since there is no uid, rather samAccountName or cn in AD. When I use the uid-like attribute: # Default uid-like attribute ldap_uidattr = 'sAMAccountName' I get the following error: #…
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Can't authenticate against a 389DS server. I suspect it's a SSSD issue on client side

I'm running a 389DS LDAPS server (with self-signed certificates) on a Fedora 30 remote machine called "miservidor.midominio.local". There I have a typical directory containing user and group entries. I can retrieve directory data from another…
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OpenLDAP: Non-anonymous access for PAM/NSS

I've install LDAP with PAM/NSS. So I've installed libnss-ldap libpam-ldap nscd on my Debian 9 apt-get install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap nscd I configured it and all was working rigth. I decided to disable anonymous access. I used this ldif: dn:…
1 answer

Linux custom NSS module, `_nss_SERVICE_getspnam_r` is called but `_nss_SERVICE_getpwnam_r` is not

I'm creating a custom NSS module. I managed to make it work on my local Redhat 7.3 box, configured nsswitch.conf correctly passwd: files SERVICE shadow: files SERVICE and confirmed that both _nss_SERVICE_getpwnam_r and _nss_SERVICE_getspnam_r are…
0 answers

Authenticate and mount home using ssh and nfs

How would I go about trying to authenticate a user against a particular system and then mounting his tree using NFS. The user would have his own desktop and when the user goes to work on a separate system, the user should be able to say…
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Cannot load CA certificate file ca-root-nss.crt entry did not validate

The error message is clear enough. Some cert data isn't valid. But the debugging data provided seems a bit meager to me. How do I find cert 128? What is confusing is this file is up to date, so this bug cannot be unique to me, yet I don't find these…
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2 answers

Windows Server and NSS volumes

Does anyone know if there is a way to mount an NSS volume (novell) on server 2003/2007? We obviously need it to maintain user rights and what not. Even a place to start looking (google has nothing that I can find) (and novell, when the TIDs exist…
1 answer

Weird behavior with ldap and getent or repquota

I've observed a weird behavior in my network. I have my network users stored in OpenLDAP 2.4 which also serves a samba 3.6 Domain. I have user quotas on my NFS servers and that is where I stumbled over the "problem". When I call repquota -up it…
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Centos 6 nss-pam-ldapd delay?

I have configured Centos with nss-pam-ldapd and seems to work fine. ( I can login with my AD credentioals). Except there seems to be a delay of about 20-30 seconds before I can log in. I also set-up SSH with keys, so I know the connection can be…
Rob Audenaerde
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how to control ldap users access using groupdn?

I am using openldap, nslcd and nss-pam-ldapd. I want to restrict users login to ldap client. I have configured this in CentOS 6.5 without any problem using groupdn. but in CentOS 7, there is no pam_ldap.conf file. I tried to do it by adding the…
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Changing SSL-version for curl

I have been trying for hours to change the SSL Version for curl from NSS to OpenSSL because I have a web application that's dependant on it. I'm running RedHat RHEL 6.7 on a 64-bit system. I have read threads that say that I should set this when…
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pkcs11_lib - NSS Initialize Failed (bad database?)

I'm having trouble getting PKCS#11 and PAM to work, for whatever reason nss has stopped working and I can't create a new database. Here's the output from PKCS11 and NSS: DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:187: Initializing NSS ... DEBUG:pkcs11_lib.c:197:…
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libnss-mysql gone in Jessie?

I was happily using libpam-ldap and libnss-mysql (authenticating clients directly against LDAP, with NSS data such as UID/GID/home dir kept in a mysql database). Now I tried to install Jessie on clients, but libnss-mysql is gone from Debian Jessie.…
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