Questions tagged [npm]

65 questions
2 answers

Program installed for one user cannot be accessed from other user even full path is provided

I have all the npm pacakages installed for a particular user (i.e) not root (/home/otheruser/*) I am using monit to see whether to check the program is running. In this case its pm2, which is in /home/otheruser/.nvm/versions/node/v5.2.0/bin/pm2 I…
The Keeper
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2 answers

How to configure Systemd service unit to start Node app with "npm start" instead of "app.js"

Environment: CentOS 8, Node.js, Digital Ocean Droplet My Systemd setup starts a node app with the following command. It works as expected. $ sudo systemctl start myapp File 1: /etc/systemd/system/myapp.service [Unit] Description = My App After =…
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1 answer

Simple Linux Benchmarking Test to Perform Throughout Install

I have a script that installs a lot of software. For debugging purposes I am looking for a way of simply benchmarking my system after each install to see which piece of software cripples my server. NPM installs are Godly slow.
1 answer

Bash syntax, square brackets and -d option

I have this command in bash: [ -d node_modules/phantomjs ] || npm install -g phantomjs I am not sure what it means in plain English... Can anyone please advise?
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1 answer

What's the magic path for npm when using sudo?

I remember I was able to use something like sudo ${which npm} run xxx when I needed root privilege to run npm. What is it?
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