Questions tagged [network-security]

49 questions
1 answer

Tool to manage windows shared folders and their permissions

I remember there was a tool to easily manage shares for Windows. But I don't remember anything about it. My case is mostly used configuration but in windows is very hard to manage user permissions for shares. Lets say I have following structure and…
Hasan Gürsoy
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Chrome ignoring local dns replies

Am having a local network with about 300 devices some is domain connected and some are not I have windows server 2012r2 sith dns role Domain connected users can access local iis webpage while others cannot. After searching and inspecting the problem…
2 answers

Best way o allow only 2 countries IP acces server

i have a VPS with apache2 and 3 virtual hosts, i see a lot of ips trying to accees resources that does not exist, i also see a lot of ssh incorrect users and password tying access he server, so I need ONLY ALLOW Incoming traffic to only 1 country,…
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How many Domain Controllers might a Windows Client send LDAP Ping to when trying to locate a DC for Authentication?

I'm a cybersecurity researcher, studying netflow patterns to learn about reflective DDoS events that leverage CLDAP as a UDP reflection vector. I need to be able to distinguish between a windows client legitimately using the LDAP Ping to discover…
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Creating Trusted hosts on D-Link DGS-1510-20

I'm trying to setup my D-Link DGS-1510-20 so that they can only be managed from specific IP addresses. I assume I use "Trusted host" under "Security", but nothing there seems to give me what I would expect to see. I can't find any documentation to…
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Is IP Spoofing still a thing in 2022?

I'm trying to understand if IP Spoofing is really possible in 2022. I generally found old documents which explains how you cannot trust the source IP for UDP connections and for the first SYN packet of a TCP conection. I also remember attempts to…
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Some ports in my IP direct to unknown server

Backgrounds I have a dedicated server(which is a desktop) running in my office. It has static IP and was running for about 5 years now with out any network problems. However, after the office had a power outage for a day, I cannot no longer access…
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Access control rely on nftables, WireGuard and Reverse Path Forwarding only

I have an idea to host a web app that without built-in authentication on my server. And protect it by nftables, WireGuard and Reverse Path Forwarding only. The web server will listen to the server's WireGuard interface address, in this…
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When is mapUser required -

I'm not sure I understand when & why mapUser is needed. When you generate a keytab with ktpass you can map the Service Principal to a user wit mapUser. You can then kinit to the Service from an other machine using that keytab. When trying the same…
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QEMU/KVM: how to protect monitor access?

Runing QEMU/KVM with monitor: kvm ...some_parameters... -monitor unix:/my_path/my_fifo,server,nowait We can then connect using socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/my_path/my_fifo then type commands. Easy and handy. I'd like to expose the monitor interface to the…
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mongo secondary node - weird log entries

I have mogodb cluster with 4 nodes, all nodes work on standard 27017 port. I found weird things in my mongod.log on a secondary node: {"t":{"$date":"2022-03-26T23:22:34.593+03:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":22944, …
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Domain computer connected to non-domain computer share giving a lot of login failed event 4625

I have an application running on a domain joined Windows Server 2019 server called AppSrv that writes images out to a non-domain DMZ Windows Server 2019 server called WebSrv. A drive is shared from WebSrv as drive Z: on AppSrv. The application then…
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How to allow outbound connections only for updates

I have a network with a number of VMs hosting applications mainly for internal use, but they are also exposed to the internet via Traefik. Because there is a chance one of them will be hacked eventually, it looks like a good idea to block direct…
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How to block .git Folder serverwide on NGINX?

I have a question about blocking the .git folders server wide on a NGINX system. At the moment I'm playing around a little with NGINX, I actually use Apache. In Apache, it's actually no problem to block all requests to a .git folder server wide. Is…
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Inspecting FTPs traffic

I have researched the possibility for securing / inspecting FTPs traffic with a sandbox to do malware filtering. There are a lot of vendors offering WAFs (Fortinet, Cloudflare, Check Point, and so on) for HTTPs-Services, but I could not find any…