Questions tagged [nameserver]

A name server is a computer server that hosts a network service for providing responses to queries against a directory service.

A name server is a computer server that hosts a network service for providing responses to queries against a directory service. It maps a human-recognizable identifier to a system-internal, often numeric, identification or addressing component. This service is performed by the server according to a network service protocol.

Examples of name servers is the Domain Name System (DNS), one of the two principal name spaces of the Internet. The most important function of these DNS servers is the translation (resolution) of human-memorable domain names and hostnames into the corresponding numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, the second principal Internet name space which is used to identify and locate computer systems and resources on the Internet.

Source: Wikipedia.

882 questions
2 answers

Why do nameservers have their own names?

For example, lets say there is a hosting company,, with nameserver When I type into my browser, my computer contacts a top level .com domain nameserver, which in turn contacts the name…
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What is the difference between setting the DNS "A" record and changing nameservers

I'm transferring web hosting for one domain from provider A to provider B. Now what I want is only the web server is to be transferred excluding the email hosting. Which settings I'll do in order to get what result I wanted to have? Setting the DNS…
1 answer

Setup BIND to transfer the zone file for every Second Level domain for a gTLD?

Is it possible to have BIND transfer all the second level domains for a single TLD to my local machine? (I'm fully aware that this would be a massive data set) Also, how do I track changes on a daily basis?
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Cannot access my web server

I just subscribed for shared hosting plan on ASPHOSTCENTRAL. I changed my Domain settings and pointed to the name servers as they said(10hrs ago). Since then I've been trying to access my website's default page but I can't. It prompts me to enter a…
3 answers

How many is too many name servers (ns)?

Ever since GoDaddy's DNS outage I definitely don't trust name servers. I just created a domain name and next step is setting up name servers. I'm thinking of using Route 53, CloudFlare DNS, and another provider. This means I'd probably end up with…
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Reverse IP Lookups

When I resolve I get the following ip addresses Name: Addresses: 2607:f8b0:4006:80b::1006 e.t.c However when I pick an ip address from the list and perform…
Le Ray
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1 answer

Which IP should I use for my nameserver

Sorry to ask whats probably very obvious question. I have just got a new server that is fantastically cheap but unfortunatly doesnt come with any technical support and Im very out of my depth! My hosting company has provided the following…
Luke Bream
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Can I use A-records to create name servers, and a server hostname on one server, but the overall name servers of that domain point to another?

OK - to clarify for those who did not understand the first question: LAMP/cPanel Server hostname Nameservers used for OTHER domains are and ON THIS SERVER I now have a new server which I wish to be called…
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Hosting my own web server

NOTE: I've changed the question to a more specific one Hello All, I'm looking forward to host my own web server on a local machine. I need your help in setting everything that I can't setup. Here is my network structure: I have the below at the…
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name server IP vs web server IP

I'm doing a course on an introduction to networks and I'm struggling to visualise certain aspects of the domain name system database. (if that is worded correctly?) For example, if you perform nslookup on you get a non-authoritative…
Zach Smith
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2 answers

Can I avoid operating DNS on a domain by using only a glue record?

I was thinking that I might be able to get away with simplifying DNS by foregoing the usual delegation setup and not operating DNS for my domain, instead relying only on the glue records in the TLD root. Of course if I do this, it isn't possible to…
1 answer

there is a way to host 1 website in 2 Dedicated Server?

I want to host my website in 2 dedicated servers i m hosting the website now in one server , connected to the domain using the nameservers Now i need to add the second server , how to do it ? THanks in advance !
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