Questions tagged [mod-deflate]

72 questions
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How can the Apache 2.2 deflate_module length limit be increased?

I came across a problem with deflating HTML files larger than 8000 characters (documented in this question at stackoverflow). A straight HTML file larger than that causes the server to fail to deliver the contents resulting in the browser giving a…
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Does libapache-mod-deflate cache compressed result?

I got some json files to be served by apache httpd and their size are pretty big. (~100KiB) So I put mod_deflate into httpd server and applied to application/javascript mime type. I think mod_deflate may burn more CPU powers to run gzip…
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`mod_deflate` is returning `Content-Encoding: gzip`. Is that normal?

mod_deflate is configured on my Apache 2.2 web server. But my response headers are showing gzip as the Content-Encoding instead of deflate: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 22:26:11 GMT Server: Apache Last-Modified: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 11:32:54…
Mike M. Lin
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Apache mod_ext_filter and mod_deflate response problem

I have a mod_ext_filter to replace the statics image url and mod_deflate to compress the web. If I use this two module separate and everything work fine. (1. Replace content ok and no compress 2. Compress content but no replace url) But if I use…
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How to get Apache (on Debian squeeze) to compress JS/CSS

I am running Debian squeeze and cannot get Apache to compress JavaScript or CSS. HTML, however, is being compressed. In the conf files in the sites-enabled dir, I've got the following: SetOutputFilter…
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Apache isn't deflating my website home page

I have the following 3 rules at /.htaccess AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css application/json AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE…
João Dias
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How to enable/disable mod_deflate based on a cookie?

I would like to enable mod_deflate based on the presence and value of a certain cookie. I know it’s possible to do cookie manipulation and tests with mod_rewrite, but I’m not sure how to do that kind of stuff with mod_deflate. Is this possible at…
Mathias Bynens
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Compression without Mod_Deflate

Greetings all, After running tests with Google PageSpeed, I believe my site could really benefit from compressing js/html/css/php files. Unfortunately, my host (Host Gator) does not support Mod_Gzip or Mod_Deflate. I was able to enable php…
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How to decompress responses in apache matching extension

I'm trying to configure apache in order to uncompress .kmz files served to the client application (I want to avoid dealing with additional js libraries). I've mod_deflate enabled and I added that configuration: #kmz files handling
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Slow TTFB when enabling Apache modules

I recently ran into an issue I still cannot overcome. So, I have a marketplace written in WordPress. After the development process, I tried to optimize the speed since the website loads many resources by nature. I used WpFastestCache, which produces…
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Deflate module not working in .htaccess

I have deflate module enabled but when I put my code in .htaccess, it is not working. On various websites I have tested and it shows me to enable gzip compression. Below is the code for deflate: AddOutputFilterByType…
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mod_deflate and Pagespeed

I´ve activated mod_deflate on my server. The problem is that Google pagespeed says that my site needs a compression. Have anybody an idea? This code is in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf. I restartet apache.
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Apache deflate in .htaccess not working

I have a virtual host and have enabled AllowOverride All. I know this works since the rewrite rules within the /var/www/site/web/.htaccess are being executed (It's a Symfony app). However when I have a DEFLATE rule in there it doesn't work. For…
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Enable gzip for source maps

I'm using the Grunt plugins to concat, minify and generate source maps of my Javascript before I push it to the production server (I'll soon be doing the same with SASS for CSS). The source maps generated are plain text but with an file 'extension'…
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mod_deflate is working but send wrong headers

I'm using mod_deflate to server gzip content for js and css files. Using curl I can see that it works and I can see the code but Chrome still thinks it's gzip content and NOT stylesheets/javascript so it won't render them. Chrome says: Resource…
Tommy B.
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