Questions tagged [mkdir]

18 questions
4 answers

Is it dangerous to have several parallel jobs create the same directory at the same time?

Is it dangerous to have several parallel jobs create the same directory using mkdir -p? (This is under Linux.) In my case, I send many jobs to a SUN grid to process them in parallel, and some of these jobs start by creating a certain directory foo.…
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PHP mkdir() and move_uploaded_file() Permission Denied with 777

I am writing a PHP script for a client which will be installed on a server which I do not have back-end access to. I only have access to a particular folder and database. My script will upload files and create folders. However I get a permission…
Oliver Spryn
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ftp error message: Create Directory Operation Failed vs Cannot created a file when that file already exists

I made an program that works on windows. It connects to a ftp server, makes directory and uploads files to ftp. So I made a ftp server to test it. Whenever I try to make a directory which already exists, 'Cannot created a file when that file already…
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Apache permission Problems

Ok all my files and folders are set as owner of vsftpd:nogroup. FTP program can upload and create and do everything. But when I use the PHP command mkdir, I get a Permission Denied even though the folder its creating it in is set to chmod 777. IF i…
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create a specific directory within each directory in bash

We're running an application on RHEL and it is trying to write a mysterious log file to a directory that doesn't exist. I'm trying to determine a find command that could go through each sub-directory in development and mkdir log without creating a…
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How do I create folders from names stored in a file when the folder names will include spaces?

for /f %d in (listfile) do md %d works for contiguous folder names (even if more than 8 characters long but not if there is a space in what will be the folder name.
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4 answers

How do I setup a monit script to check if a directory exists and create it if it doesn't

In the monit documentation I can see there is a check directory command but I can't see any examples of how to use it to see if the directory exists and if it doesn't to create the directory using the mkdir command.
Paul Sturgess
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1 answer

Default owner of new files and directories?

How does one configure an Ubuntu 10.10 system to behave like this: User creates a new directory or file. User is the default owner of this file. The file's (or directory's) permissions default to where the owner has RWX, and everyone else has…
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2 answers

Batch renaming 32000 files - splitting into multiple subdirectories

I've got a web server which has files uploaded to it. There is a script which assigns them numeric IDs and stores them in a corresponding subdirectory. I've now got 32000 of these uploads and that's too many for the server to handle in one…
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Overwrite directory creation mode using linux acl

I try to give specific user(for example "test") right to read any new created directory. I do that using: undefine@undefine-ThinkPad-T430s:~/test$ getfacl . # file: . # owner: undefine # group:…
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Setgid bis is *not* set on a new directory when ACLs are enabled

I'm struggling with ACLs on Linux. In my setup, I need to inherit both setgid bit and my ACLs when creating new directories. The ACLs are inherited as expected. The new directory has got all ACLs the parent directory has. Unfortunately, the setgid…
1 answer

Bash Script To Move Files While Creating Directories

I've got this script to loop through all folders and move files that are more than 2 years old. I'm using the install command because it creates the necessary directories on the destination path and then I remove the source. I'd like to change the…
Jeff C
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Create a new folder using bash without mkdir command

i'm creating a small shell script, and i want to know if is there a builtin command to create a new folder without using the mkdir command. I googled it but i wasn't able to find a way to do that. I dont have any specific motivation or restriction…
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2 answers

copy files with folders

The following scp is working as expected. scp /home/admin/* root@ec2-50-112-212-73:/ But I need a command that will create the required folder structure on destination server if it does not already exist. Update: I can do it in 2 steps as shown…
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PHP Mkdir not working - Full permission

Our server is a Linux Server with Debian 5, Apache2 This is a development server which we are doing testing on and as such we have setup world write permission on everything Ive also set the umask in /etc/profile to 000 One particular PHP script…
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