Questions tagged [microsoft-access]

Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is an application development and database development tool from Microsoft. It combines the Microsoft Jet/ACE Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. Other database engines, such as SQL Server and MySQL, can also be used as a database server back end for Access applications.

Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is an application development and database development tool from Microsoft. It combines the Microsoft Jet/ACE Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. Other database engines, such as SQL Server and MySQL, can also be used as a database server back end for Access applications.

81 questions
1 answer

Can MS Access Projects be run by different users on a Windows terminal-server simultaneously via RDP?

An existing MS Access 2003 project frontend with a MS Sql Server 2005 backend needs to be accessed from different locations (not just one LAN anymore). Instead of implementing a VPN, we are thinking about moving the SQL Server as well as the MS…
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Block SQL 2008 R2 Insert Access on anything for user in MS ACCESS on AD Group

Hi I would like to block access to insert any data on SQL when a User from a determined Active Directory Group access SQL from MS ACCESS. Is this possible? if not is there any alternative? I've tried a server trigger, and was able to prevent access…
1 answer

Can I create an oracle ODBC driver without installing the Oracle Client?

recently I got a task to migrate the back end of an access database to oracle (the front end should still remain in access), I need an odbc connection for that and on the PC I am working on I don't have any administrative privilages. Whenever I am…
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forcing EDIT of access backend database

here is my situation: i am wondering if there is a permissions solution. perhaps i can have the network guy remove the ability for anyone to edit except for me? do…
Alex Gordon
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2 answers

Running a MS-SQL Server Stored Procedure from MS Access?

I have an Access 2010 front-end to an SQL-Server 2008 database. I'd like to use the stored procedures already on the server via the front-end! Is this even possible? (Bit of a newb so go easy on me (-: )
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MS Access Security Issue (WRITE Access on a Trusted Connection?!!!)

Not sure if this is the right place for this question (Perhaps SuperUser), but I'm sure there are some Access gurus here on ServerFault. Anyway, we support some legacy MS Access apps and recently a user was able to change some information in our…
3 answers

Identify Access databases linked to a specific SQL server

Is there a way to parse .mdb files from the command line (findstr or via a WSH script) to identify database links? I am attempting to identify all .mdb files within a large file share that link to a specific database server. I've tried manually…
Eric H
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3 answers

Migrate reports from MS Access to OOo Base

I'm currently looking at upgrading our office machines from Office XP to Office 2010. For most users the standard edition is fine but just a few of us use Access. There are only a couple of standalone Access databases but the program is used fairly…
John Gardeniers
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1 answer

Resrtict MS Access creation

Is it possible to restrict MS Access creation but still be able to view and execute Access files.
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How to setup an Azure Windows VM for multiple users to RDP to their unique MS Access file?

I have 2 Azure VMs. One will act as an application server. The application is an Access file. This Access file connects to a separate Microsoft SQL Server database on a different Azure VM which will be the database server. On the application server,…
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0 answers

any experience with Microsoft Access 2019 backend on Nextcloud?

anyone using Nextcloud for access backends? With how many users? What's your conclusion? Currently I'm using a Synology NAS which works fine for 1 user but we are planning Nextcloud for future. And yes we know that Onedrive, google drive etc. are…
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1 answer

Run batch file to start specific program to open at specific record

I need to be able to run a batch file that opens Access at a specific record. This I can do, but now I need to also run it on either 32 or 64 bit systems. Our company uses a mix of systems. This is what I have so far: if EXIST "C:\Program…
0 answers

MS Access database across small company LAN: NAS vs virtualized Windows Server

I'm currently developing a small sized Windows application. For compatibility reasons, I'm limited to use MS Access as DB "backend" (migration to SQL Server planned but not doable yet). In these days I have to take a decision. I have two…
0 answers

How do I import Unicode Data into MySQL?

I'm trying to create a dump file from an MSAccess database to import in to a MySQL database. I can create the dump file, but when I try to import it I get this error Incorrect string value: '\xA325- R...' for column... I'm not really sure what it…
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0 answers

Windows Remote Desktop Terminal Server sessions freezing

Running a fresh install of Windows Server 2016 Remote Desktop server. Initial configuration went smoothly, everyone can log in and access the required application. The application is a specialized database application from a third party vendor, and…