Questions tagged [mappeddrive]

195 questions
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Opening a folder with a certain files forces a return to the parent folder

I have this unbelievable behaving in this constellation: Windows Server 2019 Standard Desktop running in the trial version the 2nd day. A fresh copy, without additional software. Just added the server to the domain. The drive F: is mapped to an…
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How to map a UUID directly to both a device name (e.g. /dev/sda1) AND a mount point (e.g. /mnt/home2)?

I know how to map /etc/fstab to the mount point with the device name: /dev/sdb1 /mnt/home2 ext4 usrjquota=quota.user,jqfmt=vfsv0 0 0 This practice is however highly flawed as it is randomized and can change on reboots,…
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Moving files to a mapped drive is far slower than direct network share

There is one Windows 10 Pro (1909) Client in our company network that is experiencing an odd behavior. Moving files to a mapped drive brings up to 40Mbs and is therefor much slower in comparison to moving them directly to the network share via \...…
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Mapped Harddrive, Bitlocker?

All the available letters to use for harddrive, i used up. So for my new harddrive, i used mapping. So i have mapped my new harddrive to a folder. My question is, is it possible to still get bitlocker on that drive? If so , how? Or if not, is…
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How do I enable user-level mapped drives for Windows services?

I have two Windows services, "ServiceA" and "ServiceB". Each service runs under the user names "UserA" and "UserB" respectively, and in all other respects the services are identical (separate instances of the same service). What I would like to be…
Michael Arlowe
2 answers

How do I map a drive letter to a network share for all RDP users on a Windows Server 2016

I want to map a new drive letter F: for all users that login to my application server on Azure so they can edit files that are on a separate network share \FileServer\StorageDrive. How can I do that?
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How do I get the drive mapping to work via GPO after a domain rename?

I just underwent a domain rename as requested by management. So previously I had my network shares put under GPO. They were all under Update, using the reconnect option and were using the FQDN of the network share. E.g.…
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Recover source host of lost mapped drives on Windows 2003 Server

I have a legacy Windows 2003 Server that hosts an MS SQL server DB. The mdf and ldf files of said DB are stored on network mapped drives. One day the DB encountered errors only for us to find out that the mapped drives are gone. Is there any way to…
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Map shared network folder as servername

We have an application that is regular deployment to live. Of course we try to test it as much as possible before. Many settings is stored in a ini-file An example setting for a…
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lsbk issue, reboot causes devices to re-order

I am having a weird issue with lsblk and my nvme devices. This occurs on CentOS 7.7, 7.8, 8.2 On first boot after installation the devices are ordered as expected under lsbk [root@pqclient-1-127 ~]# lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE…
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How to SFTP files from Linuxto a Windows attached network drive

I need to send files from my Linux to a network drive that is attached to a Windows system via SFTP. I want to know if I get the SFTP server running on Windows, how do I transfer a file from my linux machine to the network drive? After connecting to…
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create a .bat to map users to a shared folder but it maps them to their desired folder inside by username

I created a shared folder on my NAS box that has a folder for each user in it and it mimics their user name. I'm looking to write a .bat that will map the user folders inside to each user by user name. So when they log in they have their folder in…
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network drive auto disconnect after 10 mins in windows server 2003

I am working on windows server 2003 and when i run my script , it access data from remote network drive x: . so windows cannot make connection after 10 minutes , when i log off my computer. so how to map my drive , and auto disconnect…
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How to create a Map Drive with Username and Password for different folders

How can i create a map drive with a username and password required when accessing the drive? i already have map drives and i already input a username and password in ( Connect as optional ) field. Help guy's pls.
1 answer

Windows Server 2008 GPO Not Mapping Drives?

I have 2 servers. Server 1: Linux server running Samba, that has a share called "Common". Server 2: Windows Server 2008. I created a GPO that maps drive R: to \\LINUXSERVER\Common. I set it to "Reconnect" and chose the "Create" option. I then run…
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