Questions tagged [kibana]

Kibana is a user friendly way to view, search and visualize your log data.

Kibana is an open source (MIT License), browser based interface to ElasticSearch.

94 questions
0 answers

Visualize multiline ruby exceptions in kibana 4

I have setup the latest version of Kibana4 ElasticSearch stack. The logs are being pooled from remote app sources which are running on Ruby. I want to search for Multi Line exceptions created by ruby. Is there a way in kibana where we can search…
2 answers

Nginx reverse proxy for elasticsearch - inserting filters

I've got an elasticsearch instance, with an Nginx reverse proxy sat in front of it, implementing a URL level access control mechanism - approximately as described in this article This is giving me per-index granularity, which is handy. What I'm…
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1 answer

ELK stack on google compute engine

Trying to set up an ELK stack on a google compute engine server I found out that the "click to deploy" solution google is providing is outdated. None the less I tried installing Logstash and Kibana on top of the ES only to find out that I could not…
0 answers

Experiences with logfile monitoring

In an IT-integrator, I'm currently trying to evangelize the use of log file monitoring of hardware installations. The idea is to use a Elasticsearch/Logstash/Kibana stack (most flexibility, open source). However to convince management I'm looking…
stefan schbr
1 answer

How to provision dashboards into kibana?

I am giving my developers the gift of kibana using the elasticsearch that is bundled with logstash. They will have kibana in their vagrant boxes. Goal: Install and configure kibana dashboards via scripts on startup. Problem: How to pre-load exported…
Dan Garthwaite
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2 answers

How can I parse a human-readable byte count in Logstash?

I'm dealing with log files containing parts such as: 538,486K of 1,048,576K These represent memory use (Java heap space) rendered in a human-readable format. I would like to track those numbers in charts in Kibana. To do this I would like to…
Peter Becker
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How parse a multiple objects serialized in log with logstash and grok

I'm parsing some log files with grok, but I have the following trace: [[ attr1=53212 searchTags=[love, rock] ]] [[ attr1=54612 searchTags=[love, peace, rock] ]] I use the following expression for…
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logstash / kibana can't connect to instance

I don't remember changing anything at all on my logstash server. As of just yesterday it was working fine! And I used it to run some queries. However.. today when I went to my logstash page, I see only thing message come up: Connection…
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2 answers

Problems configuring logstash for email output

I'm trying to configure logstash to send email alerts and log output in elasticsearch / kibana. I have the logs successfully syncing via rsyslog, but I get the following error when I run /opt/logstash-1.4.1/bin/logstash agent -f…
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1 answer

Unable to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for elasticsearch on another server

I'm trying to use Kibana on a server A to access elasticsearch on a server B. elasticsearch is protected with a basic auth authentication on server B. Kibana is also protected with basic authentication (and the same password) on server A. I'm…
Hugo Lassiège
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0 answers

On Debian system, keepalived is consuming full cpu usage on both kibana nodes

I have master/slave kibana machines on Debian 10. From few days, cpu usage of keepalived daemon on both nodes are reaching to 100%. After keepalived restart it goes to normal, and this loops forever. I am not sure, what exactly is wrong with my…
0 answers

My elastic search is not showing any data using elastic-agent

Surprisingly my elastic version 7.15 with basic license have installed the fleet server and then configured windows-policy with elastic-endpoint and windows integration. Have enabled all the rules; however I am not seeing any logs security app. I am…
Blason R
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Kibana does not trust Let's Encrypt CA in Kubernetes Helm Setup

I have a k8s cluster configured with calico as networking system. I'm running slightly customized versions of helm elastic/elasticsearch and elastic/kibana with security enabled. For security, I use Let's Encrypt certificates. When starting kibana,…
I. Shm
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Correct reverse proxy to aws-es-proxy instance?

I installed a VPC with an Elasticsearch cluster with kibana on AWS. As that is VPC, it is not accessible publicly. Thus, to be able to access the kibana interface, I installed the aws-es-proxy. So far so good.…
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1 answer

How to setup external access to my Azure VM running Kibana on port 5601?

I am currently running a Azure VM on which I have installed ElasticSearch, Kibana and Filebeat. The idea is to have a reporting/dashboarding capability for log files which are also stored on the same VM. Installation of the VM and this part of the…
tommy gun
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