Questions tagged [java]

Programming language and runtime environment that allows compiled Java programs to run unchanged on most hardware and software platforms

1817 questions
2 answers

Disabling SSLv3 but still supporting SSLv2Hello in Apache

Many SSL clients, notably JDK 6, use the SSLv2Hello protocol to handshake with the server. Using this protocol does not mean you are using SSL 2.0 or 3.0 for that matter; it is merely a handshake to determine which protocol to use. …
Matt Hughes
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5 answers

What is the difference between java.exe and javaw.exe?

On a Windows Server, I have 2 kinds of Java processes java.exe javaw.exe What are the differences ?
Steve Schnepp
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3 answers

SSL Certificate Error: certificate_unknown

I want to create push notification server and while installing SSL certificate and .p12 file in server we are facing the below error: I want to know what is the wrong with ssl certificate because I am getting certificate_unknown error. main, RECV…
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4 answers

Which Java version should I run Jenkins with?

Reference: Jenkins Users :: Jenkins on Windows: Java + JRE (version) confusion Which Java version should I run Jenkins with (on Windows)? Should I use the included JRE of the Windows master? Should I use the last 1.6 release? Should I just run it…
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7 answers

How to block access to a file from being served by Tomcat?

We have a few tomcat servers and we just discovered that some files that we don't want public to have access to those files. To exemplify: Let say we have a folder /var/www/html/ that we are publishing through tomcat, but we don't want to expose…
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8 answers

Batch file to uninstall all Sun Java versions?

I'm setting up a system to keep Java in our office up to date. Everyone has all different versions of Java, many of them old and insecure, and some dating back as far as 1.4. I have a System Center Essentials server which can push out and silently…
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1 answer

Is it appropriate to use HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError in Production?

We have been struggling to diagnose the cause of an OutOfMemoryError we experienced on one of our production servers. Our attempts to reproduce the issue in soak tests have so far failed, and we are considering enabling…
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4 answers

is it possible to install java without the browser plugin?

I need java, but I don't want any browser to be able to access it. Is it possible to remove the whole applet/browser plugin code?
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1 answer

How can I restrict the java plugin to run only on certain sites in Internet Explorer?

I want to secure our centrally managed computers better and it is very difficult to automatically deploy the java runtime, but how to do that is another question. I find the security of Java catastrophic, even if it is fully patched: It looks like…
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1 answer

Differences between classes12.jar, ojdbc14.jar, ojdbc5.jar and ojdbc6.jar

We are planning to upgrade our application servers to a new version of JRun which is carrying with it an upgrade from Java 1.4 to Java 1.6. As part of that, we have been testing various pieces of our software stack and realized the need to look at…
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4 answers

Constantly Increasing swap size in Linux and Swap space not being reclaimed?

I have a 8GB RAM linux box on which 4 tomcat servers are running. One of the them is set to 3000MB memory(jvm -Xms and -Xmx setting) and others are set to 1500MB. The swap partition is also set to 8Gigs. When I start these servers, the swap file…
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6 answers

Is there a way to change the java JRE a linux Jenkins server uses?

A Jenkins server is running under Java 1.7 on a linux machine and I need to change it to 1.8 so that I can run a specific plugin. The Linux machine has a Java 1.8 JDK/JRE installed, but I cant find a way to tell the Jenkins server to use it? I've…
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5 answers

Supermicro IPMIView KVM Console does not work at all

I can't get the Supermicro IPMIView version 2.* (any of them) to launch the KVM Console either in the IPMIView windows program nor any browser. Java, is installed (version 8, update 131) and I'm running Windows 8.1 (though IPMIView 2 won't run on…
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1 answer

Tomcat service does not see $JAVA_HOME

I'm trying to setup a Tomcat service with Systemd on CentOS 7. I've installed Oracle Java 1.8u74 to /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_74 and set the environment variable $JAVA_HOME at boot like so: # echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_74" >…
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1 answer

How do I build a Linux environment that specifies specific versions of packages?

I am creating a dockerfile that runs a custom application that is tied to a specific version of Java. I'm using a centos7 base image because that's what an article I was referring to was using and because I have to use something, so that's as good…
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