Questions tagged [isc-dhcp]

ISC DHCP is open source software that implements the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocols for connection to a local network. It is a reference implementation of those protocols, but it is also production-grade software, suitable for use in high-volume and high-reliability applications. DHCP is available for free download under the terms of the ISC License, a BSD style license.

ISC DHCP is open source software that implements the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocols for connection to a local network. It is a reference implementation of those protocols, but it is also production-grade software, suitable for use in high-volume and high-reliability applications. DHCP is available for free download under the terms of the ISC License, a BSD style license.

254 questions
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Why does a manually deleted dhcpd lease return?

DHCPD: 4.3.6 OS: CentOS 8 I removed an entry from the dhcpd.leases file by using Webmin. It seemed to work for a time, but then the entry popped back into the file. Thinking it was a Webmin issue I then went back and did the following: 1. Stopped…
3 answers

Why can't I use IPv6 address for DHCPv4 client option 6 (DNS server)

I am trying to configure options for a DHCP network and the proprietary software (that is layered on top of ISC's DHCP server) that I am using won't allow me to put in an IPv6 address. In other scenarios it will allow this, but not for DHCPv4 client…
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One DHCP server assigns IP, but another assigns other options

Is it possible to make isc-dhcp-server send dhcp options like filename, vendor-class-identifier but NOT an IP address for the client? That is, I need dhcpd to send a few options but NOT the client's IP. The client gets its IP from another DHCP…
Donn Lee
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Why is my DHCP client w/ reserved address missing the default gateway?

I'm running isc-dhcp-server on Ubuntu 18.04. Clients without a DHCP reservation are able to get an IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and DNS servers from the pool no problem. As soon as I define a reservation, the client will correctly get…
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isc-dhcp host using files

I configured ise-dhcp-server, which works fine, but my dhcpd.conf is starting to become very big. I'm trying to find information (without results), on whether it's possible to use something like import /path/to/file. I want to use it to set static…
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DHCP: Advertise DNS Server with port (not 53)

In my network I have a small docker swarm running several apps. Latest I tried to setup two new services offering DHCP with ispcpd and DNS with unbound to the network. Master of the swarm is a new QNAP NAS controlling several Pi3 (for availability,…
Michael Ef
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Multi router network and IPv6 DHCP/RA issues - How to assign default routers?

I've again got problems with our LAN. There are 4 WAN gateways all on the same subnet, all with 100M uplink. On IPv4 I advertise default routers using a ISC DHCP Server. On IPv6 there doesn't seem to be an default gateway option in DHCP - all is…
2 answers

Can ping server one from client 1, but can't ping client 1 from server

I set up a router on my linux machine as described here. Now I can ping the server/router from my windows client. I can also ping my linux client from my windows client. But I can not ping the windows client from either the server/router or the…
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Enterprise DHCP server solution?

I have a network of about 1000 assorted devices, all of witch are running by static IP addressing. Given the size of the network and the lapse of technical advice, the addressing scheme is in chaos and there are about 14 class C subnets. I would…
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Multiple subnets on isc-dhcp-server using ddns with bind9

On my network I have two subnets: -> Wired/wireless -> VPN Both subnets are served by isc-dhcp-server running on a Debian VM. This same VM runs bind9 for my DNS. ISC-DHCP-SERVER is configured to use DDNS and update…
2 answers

dhclient is sending host-name for IPv4 but not IPv6

I am setting up a home server running Debian 10 (Buster), but I have been unable to associate the host's name with its IPv6 addresses. I have a router running OpenWRT, which is configured with dnsmasq acting as both a DHCP server and a DNS…
1 answer

Linux router share internet between eth2 to eth3

I am not a networking guy, so apologies in advance. I have a small Linux (Ubuntu) box with 2 ethernet ports. eth2 is connected to a cable modem that gives it a 192.168.1.x address + internet connection eth3 I plug directly into, I was able to…
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dhcp server on raw eithernet (no IP on segment)

I have an isc dhcp server that is running on a server with three network segments. The primary network has an IP address. The other two do not. Can I configure the dhcp server to listen on and dole out IPs on the two networks that do not have…
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How to force the network machines to get the ip from a DHCP server?

How can I force all the network machines to get the IP from the DHCP server and prevent them from manually editing the network configuration. There are both Linux and Windows machines. The DHCP server is Debian. Currently it works but if someone set…
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