Questions tagged [ipam]

IPAM stands for IP Address Management, and concerns the allocation, organization and documentation of an IP address space in a network.

IPAM stands for IP Address Management, and concerns the allocation, organization and documentation of an IP address space in a network.

19 questions
3 answers

Server (location, MAC, IP) documentation with Google Docs

I work for a shop with 300+ physcial servers and about the same number of VM guests. We use Puppet heavily and are mostly Centos5.5 and about 20% Centos6.2. We use Google docs for storing various things. We have a rack spreadsheet which has…
alan laird
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3 answers

IP Address Planning for our Network

We have a /24 IP Address range for PCs containing 240 allocated addresses at the moment. Our company is planing for expansion of another 50 PCs, our existing IP range is Do we add on another /24 ( on the router? or Do…
1 answer

how to log the MAC addresses of devices acquiring an IP address through DHCP (Windows server 2022)

My network serves DHCP through a Windows 2022 server. I would like to log the MAC addresses of all devices that acquire an IP address through this DHCP server. I have installed the IPAM role in the server, but I don't understand how to activate the…
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1 answer

What options for specifying IP addresses exist in VSphere compared with NSX?

What knobs are available for configuring the IP Addresses of VMs in vsphere, without NSX, as compared to with NSX? I see in my VSphere clusters that VMs have multiple IPs These presumeably are randomly assigned by a DHCP host somehow Is there a…
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