Questions tagged [ip-forwarding]

138 questions
3 answers

Use Domain in iptables PREROUTING

I have a with X.X.Y.Y ip i want to forward traffic from port 80 to the domain(, I used the following iptable: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination X.X.Y.Y:80 but i dont get good…
1 answer

Apache Mysql PHP5 ubuntu home server configuration?

Here is my problem i have been searching for days now and i didn't found something i can apply directly. i have apache and Mysql and php and i am using ubuntu. I have a static IP, but i am not in control with the router itself. So what i need is to…
1 answer

Iptables forward webinterface of E3531

I have a Raspberrypi with an E3531 UMTS Stick connecting to the Internet. Since the Rpi is headless I wanted to make the Webinterface of the Stick available over the IP of the Rpi. The Stick builds a network of where the interface has…
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